

Transformational Mathematics Learning:Meaning and Value
摘要 转换性数学学习表征了数学学习活动中主体的主动性、意义的建构性和常识的转化性,关联着数学学习中多个维度的转换性,但并不是转换性学习理论在数学学习活动中的简单推演,也不能被视为数学学习理论现代发展的主要方向或者唯一的研究范式,而是要将数学的学科特质和学习思维等属性嵌入到那些看似相同或相似的转换性过程中,需要重视数学活动中意义的视角和图式,在变化、变换和变式中建构与完善数学知识结构,将数学知识转化为数学能力和核心素养。好的转换性数学学习不仅能引导数学教与学关系的转变,而且能助推学生数学学习力提升和涵养核心素养教育的全面落实。 Transformative Mathematics Learning represents the initiative of the subject,the constructiveness of meaning and the transformation of common sense in mathematics learning activities,it is related to the convertibility of many dimensions in mathematics learning,but it is not a simple deduction of the convertibility learning theory in mathematics learning activities,it should not be regarded as the main direction or the only research paradigm of the modern development of mathematics learning theory,but should embed the characteristics of mathematics subject and learning thinking into those seemingly same or similar transformative processes,it is necessary to pay attention to the angle of view and schema in mathematics activities,to construct and perfect the structure of mathematics knowledge in the process of change,transformation and variation,and to transform mathematics knowledge into mathematics ability and core accomplishment.A good transformative mathematics learning can not only guide the change of the relationship between mathematics teaching and learning,but also promote the improvement of students mathematics learning ability and the implementation of the education of self-cultivation core competency.
作者 潘小明 PAN Xiaoming(Taizhou University,Taizhou,Jiangsu 225300,China)
机构地区 泰州学院
出处 《现代教育科学》 2024年第5期23-30,共8页 Modern Education Science
基金 江苏省教育科学“十四五”重点规划课题“教育本位的人机协同教学研究”(项目编号:A/2023/01/122)。
关键词 转换性数学学习 数学知识 数学思维 核心素养 transformative mathematics learning mathematical knowledge mathematical thinking core quality
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