

A Study of the Zhang Cursive Script and the Construction of the Modern Theoretical System of the Zhang Cursive
摘要 隨着清末民初大量簡牘被發現,以及關于漢字改革的辯論日趨激烈,章草再次被人們關注。章草書法創作和章草研究逐漸興起。卓定謀主張推廣章草,他認爲章草較其他書體書寫簡便,具有實用性。其《章草考》,立足傳統“小學”,廣泛搜集歷代文獻,輯録歷代章草材料,按章草名稱、章草字體、章草源流、歷代章草盛衰、歷代章草書家小傳及章草收藏家分類編輯,探究章草省變方法,重塑章草發展史,構建章草理論體系,對當時書壇的章草發展和研究産生了一定影響。 With the discovery of a large number of bamboo and wooden slips in the late Qing and early Republican periods,and with the increasing debate over the reform of Chinese characters,the zhang cursive script has again come to people's attention.Calligraphic creation in the zhang cursive and research into this script have emerged accordingly.Zhuo Dingmou advocated the promotion of the zhang cursive,which he considered to be simpler and more practical than other scripts.His A Study of the Zhang Cursive Script(Zhangcao Kao)was based on Chinese traditional philology(xiaoxue).In his book,he recorded a wide range of materials on the zhang cursive and collected and arranged the sources regarding its denomination,structural shape,origin and development,flowering and decline,as well as concise biographies of masters and collectors of the script.Zhuo Dingmou explored the rules of transformation of the zhang cursive and reshaped the history of its development.Zhuo's construction of the theoretical system of the zhang script has exerted a great influence on the development and the study of this script in contemporary China.
作者 張磊 ZHANG Lei
出处 《书法研究》 北大核心 2024年第4期162-174,198,共14页 Chinese Calligraphy Studies
关键词 《章草考》 章草理論 章草史 A Study of the Zhang Cursive Script theoretical system of the zhang cursive script thehistoryofzhang cursive script
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