

A study on the influencing factors of Chinese youth athletes receiving anti-doping education
摘要 目的:探究当前影响我国青少年运动员接受反兴奋剂教育各种因素,为优化我国青少年运动员反兴奋剂教育提供理论参考依据。方法:基于自编的《青少年运动员反兴奋剂教育影响因素问卷》分析影响接受反兴奋剂教育各种因素,并探讨不同维度影响因素之间的相互关系。结果:研究发现,趣味娱乐需求对于运动项目及训练年限、教育形式对于年龄、教育形式和竞技发展需求对于运动等级都存在非常显著性差异;同时,各个维度的各项指标拟合度较好,教育内容、他人的行为态度、竞技发展需求分别为认知维度、人际维度、动力维度中权重占比最大的二级影响因子;将认知维度作为调节变量时模型拟合度最高。结论:优化我国青少年运动员反兴奋剂教育应当以教育内容和教育形式为主线,遵循青少年运动员的身心发展规律,同时扩大教育范围,以达到期望的反兴奋剂教育效果。 Objective:To explore the current impact of China’s youth athletes to accept the various factors of anti-doping education,in order to optimise China’s youth athletes anti-doping education to provide theoretical reference basis.Methods:Based on the self-developed Questionnaire on Factors Influencing Anti-Doping Education for Young Athletes,various factors influencing the acceptance of anti-doping education were analysed and the interrelationships between the influencing factors of different dimensions were explored.Results:This study found that there were highly significant differences in fun and recreation needs for sports and years of training,educational form for age,educational form and competitive development needs for sports level;also,the fit of the indicators for each dimension was good,and educational content,behavioural attitudes of others,and competitive development needs were the secondary influences with the largest weight share in the cognitive,interpersonal,and motivational dimensions,respectively;The model fit was highest when the cognitive dimension was used as a moderating variable.Conclusion:Optimising anti-doping education for young athletes in China should be based on the main lines of educational content and educational forms,following the laws of physical and mental development of young athletes,while expanding the scope of education in order to achieve the desired effect of anti-doping education.
作者 汪喆 汪嘉琦 陈佩杰 王晨 李成易 陈淑琴 WANG Zhe;WANG Jia-qi;CHEN Pei-jie;WANG Chen;LI Cheng-yi;CHEN Shu-qin(Shanghai Research Institue of Sport Science,Shanghai 200030,China;Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200090,China;Shanghai Elite Sport Training Administrative Center,Shanghai 202179,China)
出处 《广州体育学院学报》 北大核心 2024年第3期67-79,共13页 Journal of Guangzhou Sport University
基金 国家体育总局重点项目(2022TK003)。
关键词 青少年运动员 反兴奋剂教育 影响因素 交互关系 young athletes anti-doping education influencing factors interactive relationship
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