

Screening and Risk Study of New Pollutants in Maozhou River Basin
摘要 珠三角水系的茅洲河是一个重要的水源地,但近年来受到了日益严重的污染威胁。研究旨在通过系统的污染物筛查和风险评估,全面了解茅洲河中的新污染物情况,并提出相应的管理建议。首先采集了50个采样点的水样,其中包括23个主要的饮用水源位置。通过高效液相色谱-高分辨质谱联用技术对样品进行了分析。通过对15000多个特征进行排序,发现了620种不同的化合物,涵盖了药品、农药、兽药、个人护理产品和工业材料等多个类别。药品类污染物中,地西泮、尼古丁和磺胺甲唑等被广泛检测到。农药方面,阿托霉素、异丙硫氧隆和三环唑等占据主要比例。此外,兽药和个人护理产品的残留也引起了关注。通过基于浓度和毒性的分析,确定了12种化合物的风险系数(RQ)超过1,其中包括苯磺隆甲醚、吡虫啉和噻虫胺等农药,以及咖啡因等药品。这些化合物对水生生物可能存在潜在风险,尤其是苯磺隆甲醚等在多个采样点都被检测到,其浓度超过了最低预测无效浓度(PNEC)。基于研究结果,提出了以下建议:建议建立定期监测网络,跟踪茅洲河中污染物的浓度变化,及时发现和应对新污染物的出现。针对检测到的高风险化合物,应加强监管措施,控制其排放和使用,以减少对水生生物的潜在风险。建议采取更加有效的污水处理技术,提高对药品、农药等污染物的去除效率,减少其进入水体的可能性。通过开展环境教育和宣传活动,提高公众对水环境污染问题的认识,倡导环保意识,共同保护茅洲河的生态环境。 The Maozhou River in the Pearl River Delta water system is an important water source,but it has been increasingly threatened by pollution in recent years.This study aims to comprehensively understand the situation of new pollutants in Maozhou River through systematic pollutant screening and risk assessment,and propose corresponding management suggestions.In the study,water samples were first collected from 50 sampling points,including 23 major drinking water source locations.The sample was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry.By sorting over 15000 features,620 different compounds were discovered,covering multiple categories such as pharmaceuticals,pesticides,veterinary drugs,personal care products,and industrial materials.Among pharmaceutical pollutants,diazepam,nicotine,and sulfamethoxazole have been widely detected.In terms of pesticides,atomycin,isoprothiocarbamate,and tricyclazole account for the main proportion.In addition,the residues of veterinary drugs and personal care products have also attracted attention.Through analysis based on concentration and toxicity,it was determined that the risk coefficient(RQ)of 12 compounds exceeded 1,including pesticides such as bensulfuron methyl ether,imidacloprid and thiamethoxam,as well as drugs such as caffeine.These compounds may pose potential risks to aquatic organisms,especially benzenesulfuron methyl ether,which has been detected at multiple sampling points and its concentration exceeds the minimum predicted ineffective concentration(PNEC).Based on the research results,the following suggestions are proposed:it is recommended to establish a regular monitoring network to track the concentration changes of pollutants in the Maozhou River,and timely detect and respond to the emergence of new pollutants.For high-risk compounds detected,regulatory measures should be strengthened to control their emissions and use,in order to reduce potential risks to aquatic organisms.It is recommended to adopt more effective sewage treatment technologies to improve the removal efficiency of pollutants such as drugs and pesticides,and reduce the possibility of them entering the water body.By conducting environmental education and publicity activities,public awareness of water pollution issues should be raised;environmental awareness should be promoted,and the ecological environment of Maozhou River should be jointly protected.
作者 于岑 Yu Cen(Shenzhen Hanyu Environmental Technology Co.,LTD,Shenzhen 518000,Guangdong,China)
出处 《绿色科技》 2024年第14期177-182,共6页 Journal of Green Science and Technology
关键词 珠三角水系 污染物筛查 风险研究 Pearl River Delta water system pollutant screening risk study
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