

Amusing Ourselves to Death:The Impact of Entertainment Techniques on the Number of Likes Received by Anti-Fraud Short Videos
摘要 当前,娱乐化的表达方式正逐渐占据公共领域,通过娱乐手段提升传播效果似乎已成为共识,但娱乐是否一定能促进传播效果尚需进一步的研究。本研究以防诈骗短视频作为研究语境,以详尽可能性模型和一致性理论作为理论基础,通过对抖音上467个防诈骗短视频的内容分析,探究议题和媒介属性如何调节娱乐化对点赞量这一传播效果指标的影响。结果显示,防范教育和揭秘骗术信息抑制了娱乐化对点赞量的促进作用,但案件描述和财产损失信息强化了娱乐化对点赞量的提升效果。自媒体使用娱乐手段能显著提升点赞量,且这一效果不受任何类型信息的影响,但官媒的点赞量不受娱乐化影响。本研究不仅为使用娱乐手段进行公共传播提供了策略,还解释了娱乐化对传播效果的影响边界,对泛娱乐化背景下受众和媒体间的关系提出了新的解释。 Currently,entertainment-oriented expressions are gradually occupying the public sphere,and it seems to have become a consensus that communication effects can be enhanced by means of entertainment.However,further research is needed to examine whether entertainment will necessarily enhance communication effects.Built on the elaboration likelihood model and consistency theory,this study explores how topics and media attributes moderate the influence of entertainment on the number of likes,an important indicator of the communication effect,by content analyzing 467 anti-fraud short videos on Douyin.The results show that preventive education and unveiling scam information inhibited the positive effect of entertainment on the number of likes,but case description and property loss information strengthened the positive effect of entertainment on the number of likes.The use of entertainment in self-media significantly boosted the number of likes,and this effect was not affected by any type of information.However,the number of likes received by official media was not affected by entertainment.This study not only provides strategies on how to use entertainment techniques for public communication,but also reveals the boundaries of the effect of entertainment on communication effects,shedding new insights on the relationship between audiences and media in this era of pan-entertainment.
作者 芮牮 RUI Jian(School of Journalism and Communication,South China University of Technology)
出处 《国际新闻界》 北大核心 2024年第7期114-136,共23页 Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication
基金 华南理工大学跨学科青年团队项目“媒介化社会背景下的本土健康传播理论创新研究”(项目编号:QNTD202306)的阶段性成果。
关键词 娱乐 点赞量 媒介属性 议题卷入度 防诈骗短视频 Entertainment the number of likes media attributes issue involvement anti-fraud short videos
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