

Research on key technologies for water pollution prevention and control inreceiving areas of water diversion projects
摘要 建立科学、合理、可行的引调水工程受水区水污染防治关键技术体系对解决引调水工程受水区水污染防治问题至关重要。以环北部湾广东水资源配置工程受水区为例,在统筹考虑受水区河流水系分布、水环境现状、水污染防治形势等因素的基础上,以控制单元为抓手,以水功能区水质达标与污染物入河总量可控为底线,以污染防治措施为手段,以“天空地一体化”水环境监测体系和水环境风险应急处置系统为保障,通过科学核算控制单元水域纳污能力,合理制定污染物排放控制总量方案,建立了“抓手+底线+方法+手段+保障”五位一体的引调水工程受水区水污染防治关键技术体系。结果表明:该技术体系科学、合理,具备较强的指导性和可操作性,通过抓手、底线、方法、手段、保障等5项关键技术的应用,可有效解决引调水工程受水区的水污染问题,实现“增水不增污”的目标。在全面落实170项水污染防治规划措施、完善水环境风险应急处置系统的基础上,环北部湾广东水资源配置工程建成通水后,2035年工程受水区废污水入河量虽较现状增加了183.22%,但污染物COD、氨氮、总磷入河量较现状均有减少,减幅分别为13.2%,61.7%,77.5%。研究成果可从关键技术体系的视角为管理决策者提供指导,可为引调水工程受水区水污染防治工作提供参考。 Establishing a scientific,reasonable,and feasible technical system in the receiving area of water diversion projects is crucial for solving the water pollution problems in water transfer projects.Taking the Guangdong Water Resources Allocation Project in the Beibu Gulf as an example,a five-in-one key technical system for water pollution prevention and control in the receiving areas of the water diversion project has been established,in which the control unit's water pollution capacity is made clear,and a reasonable confine for controlling the total amount of pollutant discharge is formulated.The system takes into account various factors such as the distribution of river systems in the receiving areas,the current state of the water environment,and the local situation of water pollution prevention and control.In the system the control unit is considered as a gripper,guaranteeing water quality in the water function zone and controlling the total amount of river discharge is taken as the bottom line,pollution prevention and control measures are taken as the means,and the"sky-aero-ground integration"water environment monitoring system and water environment risk emergency response system serve as a guarantee.The results show that this technology system is scientific,reasonable,and has strong guidance and operability,which can effectively solve the water pollution problem in the area and achieve the goal of"transferring water without increasing pollution".Based on fully implementing 170 water pollution prevention and control planning measures and improving the emergency response system for water environment risks,after the completion and running of the Guangdong Water Resources Allocation Project around the Beibu Gulf,it is predicted that although the amount of wastewater entering the rivers in 2035 will increase by 183.22%compared to the current situation,the amount of pollutants COD,ammonia nitrogen,and total phosphorus entering the river will decrease by 13.2%,61.7%,and 77.5%.The results can guide management decision-makers from the perspective of key technology systems and can serve as a reference for water pollution prevention and control in the receiving areas of water diversion projects.
作者 王申芳 杨晓灵 王丽 WANG Shenfang;YANG Xiaoling;WANG Li(Scientific Institute of Pearl River Water Resources Protection,Guangzhou 510611,China)
出处 《人民长江》 北大核心 2024年第9期78-84,共7页 Yangtze River
基金 国家科技基础资源调查专项项目(2019FY101900) 广东省涉农资金项目(117000067-2021-0000130005)。
关键词 水污染防治 引调水工程受水区 关键技术体系 控制单元 水环境监测体系 水环境风险应急处置系统 环北部湾广东水资源配置工程 water pollution prevention and control receiving area of water diversion project key technology system control unit water environment monitoring system water environment risk emergency response system Guangdong Water Resources Allocation Project in the Beibu Gulf
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