

Absorptive Cooperation:A Case Study on the Mediation Mechanism of Conflicts and Disputes in Village-Turned-Communities with the Participation of Rural Talents
摘要 当前村改居社区囿于居民的异质性以及新的认同机制尚未建立等因素造成矛盾纠纷频发,乡贤参与下的矛盾纠纷调解可以为基层政府提供新的治理思路。但是从各地实践来看,当前乡贤参与基层治理仍面临诸多困境,如何建立规范化、常态化的乡贤参与机制成为亟待解决的问题。文章通过对张家港市N镇的案例研究发现,乡贤可以通过成立社会组织的方式参与到基层治理中。在行政吸纳社会理论的基础上,本文提出了基层政府与乡贤成立的社会组织之间的“吸纳式合作”理论框架。吸纳式合作以政府的治理压力和乡贤的参与意愿为前提,二者基于共同的目标,在双方需求的契合下通过政府购买乡贤成立的社会组织的服务建立起合作关系。吸纳式合作通过规范化的制度流程建立了基层政府与乡贤之间常态化合作机制,为各地提供了有益的借鉴,但是在合作中也需要谨防乡贤参与的过度行政化倾向。 At present,conflicts and disputes are frequent in village-tuned-communities due to the heterogeneity of residents and the fact that a new identity mechanism has not yet been established,and the mediation of conflicts and disputes with the participation of rural talents can provide primary-level governments with new ideas of governance.However,practices in various regions show that the participation of rural talents in primary-level governance still faces many difficulties,and how to establish a standardized and normalized mechanism for rural talents to participate has become an urgent problem.Through the case study of N Town in Zhangjiagang,the article finds that rural talents can participate in primary-level governance through the establishment of social organizations.Based on the theory of administrative absorption of society,this article proposes a theoretical framework of"absorptive cooperation"between the primary-level government and the social organizations set up by rural talents.Absorptive cooperation is based on the premise of the government’s governance pressure and the rural talents'willingness to participate.With the common goals,the two establish a cooperative relationship through the government purchasing services from social organizations established by rural talents.The absorptive cooperation has established a regular mechanism between the primary-level government and rural talents through a standardized institutional process,which provides useful reference for other regions,but it is also necessary to guard against the excessive administrative tendency of rural talents in the cooperation.
作者 郝艳丽 HAO Yanli
出处 《成都行政学院学报》 2024年第4期15-25,93,117,共13页 Journal of Chengdu Administration Institute
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“数字时代技术资本与国家安全研究”(22AZZ012)阶段性研究成果。
关键词 吸纳式合作 村改居社区 乡贤 纠纷调解 社会组织 absorptive cooperation village-turned-communities rural talents dispute mediation social organizations
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