1Sharon F. Patton, African- American Art, (New York: Oxford Press 1998), p.99.
2Susan Danly and Chery Leibold, Eakins and the Photograph. Works by Thomas Eakins and His Circle in the Collection of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, ( Washington,D.C Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994).
3Anna O. Marley, Henry Ossawa Tanner: Modern Spirit, (Los Angeles University of California Press, 2012), p,24.
4Marcia M. Mathews, "The Art of Henry O, Tanner", Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington D.C., Vol. 69/70, The 47th separately bound book(1969/1970), pp. 443-459.
5Alain Locke(ed.), The New Negro (New York :1925; republished New York: Touchstone Press, 1999), pp.265- 266.
6Naurice Frank Woods Jr., "Henry Ossawa Tanner's Negotiation of Race and Art: Challenging "The Unknown Tanner", Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 42, No.6 (September 2011), p.890.
7Henry Ossawa Tanner, An Artist's Autobiography, The Advance(20 March 1913).