In the process of building philosophy and social science system with Chinese characteristics,the de⁃velopment of applied ethics as a discipline is a timely necessity,which is not only a major event in the field of ethics in China,but also an important opportunity for the interdisciplinary development of contemporary philosophy and even humani⁃ties and social sciences.In this regard,how do we understand the professional nature of applied ethics?How exactly does“applied ethics”carry out“ethical application”?How to explore the pedagogical method of applied ethics?Zhang Xiao be⁃lieves that the professional attribute of applied ethics is mainly reflected in its setting to cultivate high⁃level practical profes⁃sionals for the development of industry norms and professional ethics,which is embodied in talent training,social services,and international cooperation and exchanges.An in⁃depth understanding of the professional attributes of applied ethics is of great and far⁃reaching significance for philosophical education to realize its value in knowledge integration and application transformation.Han Yusheng believes that the essence of applied ethics lies in the“application of ethics”,which shows a more targeted sense of social service,typically and intensively embodies the practical characteristics of philosophy to grasp the spirit of the times,provides an opportunity for the interdisciplinary development of philosophy,and promotes the imple⁃mentation of traditional Chinese professional ethics.Yuan Li believes that the current educational mode and teaching meth⁃od for applied ethics professionals in China are still in the initial stage of exploration,and will go through a long⁃term process of discovery,improvement and continuous optimization,which requires the joint consultation,close collaboration and concerted efforts from all fields and disciplines.
The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute