

Research on the impact of China’s ICT product exportvolatility under the RCEP framework
摘要 在数字经济快速发展、信息技术加快迭代的今天,RCEP的签订生效将对所有成员国经贸合作带来机会,对亚太地区的经济一体化产生极大推动作用。经济环境因素、汇率因素、人口因素、政治因素、基础设施因素和贸易开放度因素等都会对中国ICT产品出口波动产生影响,应采取加强与RCEP成员国间的基础设施互联互通水平、保持汇率稳定并加快推进人民币国际化进程、不断提升中国出口ICT产品的技术含量、加强ICT产品专业人才培养等措施,推动中国ICT产品出口贸易持续稳定发展。 With the rapid development of digital economy and information technology today,the signing and implementation of RCEP will bring opportunities for economic and trade cooperation among all member countries,and greatly promote economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region.Factors such as economic environment,exchange rate,population,politics,infrastructure and trade openness will all have an impact on the volatility of China’s ICT product exports.Measures should be taken to strengthen the level of infrastructure connectivity with RCEP member countries,maintain the stability of the exchange rate,accelerate the internationalization of RMB,continuously improve the technological content of China’s ICT exports,and strengthen the training of ICT products professionals to promote the sustained and stable development of China’s ICT product export trade.
作者 刘莉 LIU Li(School of Marxism,Xinjiang University,Urumqi,Xinjiang 830046;Digital Economy Department,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Digital Development Bureau,Urumqi,Xinjiang 831399)
出处 《价格月刊》 北大核心 2024年第10期70-76,共7页
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“推进全面从严治党重大理论和实践问题研究”(编号:19ZDA009) 新疆维吾尔自治区高校计划项目“新疆高校意识形态工作现状及对策研究”(编号:XJEDU2018SY055)。
关键词 RCEP ICT产品 出口贸易波动 RCEP ICT products export trade volatility
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