

The Core Tenets and Intellectual Historical Significance of Chen Longzheng’s Essential Writings of Wang Yangming
摘要 为应对晚明的政治危机与王门后学重本体、轻工夫所造成的空疏玄荡的学风,东林学者陈龙正编纂《阳明要书》对王阳明文献进行了全面的整理与评点。概括起来,该书的义理要点有三:一是朱熹理学未尝不有心理合一的维度,但心不等同于理;二是阳明“无善无恶”的本旨是“善本无善”,后人执着于“无”反而造成种种流弊;三是“致良知”的经世维度,良知必落实于现实经世,“致良知”是“万物一体”之政治理想的根本前提。从《阳明要书》的批注来看,调和朱王是陈龙正的学术倾向,但无论是宗朱抑或崇王,陈龙正的最终目的都在于经世致用。由此我们可以反观明清之际的学术走向,为东林学派的学术定位提供一种参考。 In response to the political crisis of the late Ming Dynasty and the vacuous academic atmosphere(focusing on noumenon but neglecting efforts)caused by the late followers of Wang Yangming,Donglin scholar Chen Longzheng compiled the book Essential Writings of Wang Yangming and made his own annotations.The main point of this work can be summarized into three aspects:First,Zhu Xi’s Neo-Confucianism has talked about the unity of mind and principle,but the mind is not equivalent to principle.Second,the original intent of Wang Yangming’s doctrine of“no good and no evil”is that“the essence of goodness is not good,”but later followers’focusing too much on the word“no”led to various problematical practices.The third is about the practical dimension of“the recuperation of conscience”in real-world governance,in which the purpose of conscience must be on practical governance of the nation,and the recuperation of conscience is the fundamental premise of the political ideal of“the unity of all things.”His annotations in this book shows Chen’s academic inclination to harmonize the teachings of Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming.However,regardless of his preference for Zhu or Wang,Chen’s ultimate goal was to apply these teachings to social governance.This perspective allows us to reflect on the academic trends during the transition between the Ming and Qing dynasties and provides a reference for the academic positioning of Donglin School.
作者 刘海成 LIU Hai-cheng(School of Marxism,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,Guangdong,China)
出处 《贵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第4期15-21,共7页 Journal of Guiyang University:Social Sciences
基金 广东省哲学社会科学规划项目“诠释学视域下明代《传习录》经典化研究”(项目编号:GD24YZX06) 华南农业大学教学改革项目“优秀传统文化融入‘马克思主义基本原理’课程的路径研究”(项目编号:JG2023088)。
关键词 陈龙正 《阳明要书》 阳明心学 无善无恶 经世 Chen Longzheng Essential Writings of Wang Yangming Wang Yangming’s Mind Study no good and no evil social governance
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