

On the Narrative Strategies of Ecological Literary Canon from the Perspective of Environmental Communication
摘要 作为跨学科议题,环境问题为相关学科之间的相互借鉴提供了现实基础。环境传播学者对话语与修辞的重视和研究,不失为一种对生态批评忽视文学特质研究的反拨。奥拉维克指出的缪尔对于“崇高感”的表达,基林斯沃思和帕尔默归纳的由雷切尔·卡森开启的“启示式叙事”,作为气候变化象征符号的站在冰块上的北极熊、集体迁徙的帝王蝶以及戏剧影视作品的图像化呈现等,都从不同角度诠释了环境传播研究与生态批评相结合的思辨空间。难能可贵的是,环境传播学者对生态文学经典叙述策略的理性反思,对于过分着眼于挖掘生态思想资源的生态批评和生态创作无疑具有重要的启发意义。 As an interdisciplinary issue,environmental crisis provides a realistic basis for mutual learning among related disciplines.Environmental communication scholars'emphasis on discourse and rhetoric can be seen as a reaction to the negligence of the study of literariness on the part of ecocriticism,which is characterized by strong ideological criticism from the very beginning.John Muir's“Sublime Response”pointed out by Christine Orave and Rachel Carson's“Apocalyptic Narrative”summarized by Jimmie Killingsworth and Jacqueline Palmer,the polar bears on the ice block and the monarch butterflies'collective migrating as a symbol of climate warming,the graphical presentation of drama and film works—all these four interpret the speculative space of the combination of environmental communication and ecocriticism from different perspectives.The environmental communication scholars'rational reflection on the narrative strategy of ecological literary canon undoubtedly sheds light on ecocritism and ecological creation that focus too much on the exploration of ecological thoughts.
作者 唐梅花 Tang Meihua(School of Liberal Arts,Minnan Normal University,Zhangzhou 363000,China)
出处 《江苏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2024年第5期91-102,共12页 Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(20XWW008)。
关键词 环境传播 表达崇高 启示式叙事 象征隐喻 图像化呈现 生态反思 environmental communication sublime response apocalyptic narrative symbolic metaphor graphical presentation ecological reflection
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