

Equal or Pale?Comparison of Production Efficiency between Domestic M&As and Cross-border M&As
摘要 提高全要素生产率是实现经济高质量发展的动力源泉。本文通过构建两国古诺双头垄断模型,比较了企业无并购、境内并购和跨境并购时的全要素生产率差异,并以2008—2020年中国上市公司的1229起境内并购和111起跨境并购事件为研究对象,采用倾向得分匹配和多时点双重差分法实证检验并购行为对企业全要素生产率的影响与作用机制。研究发现:(1)境内并购和跨境并购均显著提升了企业的全要素生产率,且跨境并购的提升作用更为明显。当企业为非国有企业、高新技术企业、受融资约束程度低的企业,且两国政治关系良好、东道国制度质量高时,上述现象表现尤为显著。(2)进一步研究发现,跨境并购通过创新协同效应、管理协同效应对企业全要素生产率的提升作用强于境内并购。不同的是,境内并购的市场垄断效应对全要素生产率起到负面作用,而跨境并购的市场垄断效应并不显著。三种效应叠加最终使得境内并购的全要素生产率提升效应明显弱于跨境并购。在贸易纷争不断的背景下,鼓励我国企业“走出去”整合外部资源,同时积极营造公平竞争的市场环境助力企业整合内部资源,这对实现全要素生产率提升、经济高质量增长具有重要意义。 Enhancing total factor productivity(TFP)serves as the driving force behind high-quality economic development.By constructing a Cournot duopoly model of two countries,this paper compares the TFP dfferences among companies without M&As,domestic M&As and cross-border M&As,and empirically examines the mechanism of how M&A activities influence TFP by using the data of 1,229 domestic M&As and 111 cross-border M&As involving Chinese listed companies from 2008 to 2020.This paper employs propensity score matching and time-varying difference-in-differences(DID)methods.The results show that:(1)both domestic M&As and crossborder M&As significantly enhance TFP,with cross-border M&As exerting a greater effect.This phenomenon is particularly significant for non-state-owned enterprises,high-tech companies and companies with low financing constraints.When the bilateral political relationship is friendly and the host country's institutional quality is high,the above phenomenon is also particularly significant;(2)further research shows that cross-border M&As play a stronger role in improving TFP through stronger innovation and management synergies.The distinguishing factor lies in the market monopoly effect,which negatively impacts TFP for domestic M&As but lacks significance for cross-border M&As.The combination of these three effects ultimately leads to a significantly weaker TFP improvement for domestic M&As compared to cross-border M&As.In the context of ongoing trade disputes,it is of great significance for the improvement of TFP and highquality economic growth to encourage Chinese companies to"go out"and integrate external resources,and to actively create a market environment of fair competition to facilitate the integration of internal resources.
作者 李娜 陈奉先 Li Na;Chen Fengxian(School of Finance,Shandong University of Finance and Economics,Jinan 250014;School of Finance,Capital University of Economics and Business,Beijing 100070)
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第8期65-78,共14页 Management Review
基金 北京市社会科学基金一般项目(22GJB010) 北京市教育委员会科研计划重点项目(SZ202310038016) 首都经济贸易大学北京市属高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(QNTD202206)。
关键词 境内并购 跨境并购 全要素生产率 PSM-DID domestic M&As cross-border M&As total factor productivity PSM-DID
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