

Analysis of the incidence and mortality of malignant tumors in Dazhou City in 2020
摘要 目的了解2020年达州市居民恶性肿瘤发病与死亡状况,为制定达州市恶性肿瘤防控措施提供参考依据。方法通过国家肿瘤登记平台导出2020年达州市发病与死亡数据,使用SPSS 25.0、Excel 2016等软件进行整理分析,用描述性分析计算粗发病(死亡)率、标化发病(死亡)率、0~74岁发病(死亡)累积率、发病(死亡)顺位等,率间的比较用χ^(2)检验,检验水准α=0.05。结果2020年达州市恶性肿瘤新发病例数15822例,粗发病率为242.36/10万,中标率为139.21/10万,世标率为137.42/10万,0~74累积率为15.90%,男女性别发病比为1.58∶1,发病前10位依次为肺癌、肝癌、食管癌、胃癌、结直肠癌、乳腺癌、子宫颈癌、子宫体癌、脑和神经系统肿瘤、胰腺癌。恶性肿瘤死亡10958例,粗死亡率167.85/10万,中标率91.19/10万,世标率90.84/10万,0~74岁累积率为10.38%,男女性别死亡比为2.07∶1,死亡前10位依次为肺癌、肝癌、食管癌、胃癌、结直肠癌、子宫颈癌、乳腺癌、胰腺癌、脑和神经系统肿瘤、口腔癌。结论达州市恶性肿瘤发病与死亡低于全国及四川省,男性发病与死亡显著高于女性,肺癌、肝癌、食管癌、胃癌、结直肠癌以及女性乳腺癌和子宫颈癌是影响达州市居民健康的主要癌种,应重点加强防治。 Objective To understand the incidence and mortality of malignant tumors among residents in Dazhou City in 2020,and to provide reference basis for formulating cancer prevention and control measures in Dazhou City.Methods The incidence and mortality data of Dazhou City in 2020 were exported from the National Cancer Registration Platform.SPSS 25.0,Excel 2016 and other software were used to organize and analyze the data.Descriptive analysis was used to calculate the crude incidence/mortality rate,standardized incidence/mortality rate,cumulative incidence/mortality rate of 0-74 years old people,the ranking of incidence/mortality and so on.The rates were compared byχ^(2)test,and the test level wasα=0.05.Results In 2020,there were 15822 newly diagnosed cases of malignant tumors in Dazhou City.The crude incidence rate was 242.36/10~5.The age-standardized incidence rates by Chinese standard population(ASIRC)and by world standard population(ASIRW)were 139.21/10~5 and 137.42/10~5,respectively.The cumulative incidence rate of 0-74 years old people was 15.90%.The incidence rate of male to female was 1.58∶1.Cancers of lung,liver,esophagus,stomach,colorectum,female breast,cervix,corpus uteri,brain and nervous system,and pancreas were the top 10 cancers in terms of incidence.There were 10958 deaths from malignant tumors,with a crude mortality rate of 167.85/10~5.The age-standardized mortality rates by Chinese standard population(ASMRC)and by world standard population(ASMRW)were 91.19/10~5 and 90.84/10~5,respectively.The cumulative mortality rate of 0-74 years old people was 10.38%.The mortality rate of male to female was 2.07∶1.The top 10 cancers in terms of mortality were cancers of lung,liver,esophagus,stomach,colorectum,cervix,female breast,pancreas,brain and nervous system,and oral cavity.Conclusions The incidence and mortality of malignant tumors in Dazhou City were lower than those in China and Sichuan Province.The incidence and mortality of males were significantly higher than those of females.Cancers of lung,liver,esophagus,stomach,colorectum,female breast and cervix,were the main types of cancer that significantly impacted the health of residents in Dazhou City.Therefore,emphasis should be placed on strengthening the prevention and control measures for these cancers.
作者 吴伟 侯英 成姝雯 WU Wei;HOU Ying;CHENG Shuwen(Dazhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Dazhou 635002,Sichuan Province,China;Sichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan Province,China)
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2024年第9期1088-1095,1103,共9页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
关键词 恶性肿瘤 发病率 死亡率 达州 cancers incidence mortality Dazhou City
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