

Historical Synergy and the Rise of the“National Protection Movement”and Its Historical Contributions
摘要 护国运动的兴起,袁世凯帝制自为之所以破产,共和制度之所以得到维护,并非简单地是由某一政党或少数人所推动的结果,而是民国初年“二次革命”后多种政治力量和社会力量聚合在一起,构成了反袁护国阵营,由此形成合力,并使反袁护国阵营在与袁世凯北洋集团的较量中发生力量对比变化,此消彼长,推动了护国运动的形成与发展。袁世凯虽然拥有国家政权和大量军队,但是正如清王朝也拥有国家政权和大量军队一样,没有能够阻挡清朝大厦的轰然倒塌。失道寡助,得道多助,逆民意者终将挡不住历史的车轮。在历史潮流的冲击下,袁世凯最终众叛亲离,被迫取消帝制,护国运动取得了伟大的胜利,民主共和从此深入人心。 The rise of national protection movement,the collapse of Yuan Shikai’s imperial system and the preservation of the republican system were not simply the result of a certain political party or a few people.More specifically,after the“Second Revolution”in the early years of the Republic of China,a variety of political and social forces came together to form a synergy,constituting an anti-Yuanshikai and national protection camp,and making changes in the balance of power and prevailing in the fight with Yuan Shikai’s Beiyang Group,which promoted the formation and development of the national protection movement.Just like the Qing Dynasty,Yuan Shikai was not able to stop the crashing down although he also possessed state power and a large army.A just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little.According to the principle that“A just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little support”,anyone who goes against public opinion will not be able to stop the wheel of history.Therefore,Under the impact of the tide of history,Yuan Shikai eventually was opposed and deserted by his followers and had to abolish the imperial system,and the national protection movement achieved a great victory,and the democratic republic has been deeply rooted in people’s hearts ever since.
作者 何一民 伍茜 HE Yimin;WU Qian(School of History and Culture,Sichuan University,Chengdu,Sichuan,610065)
出处 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第5期72-83,共12页 Journal of Chengdu University (Social Sciences)
关键词 护国运动 历史合力 辛亥革命 national protection movement historical synergy the Revolution of 1911
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