

New Quality Productive Forces Empowers Ecological Civilization Construction
摘要 生态兴则文明兴,生态衰则文明衰。工业革命推动人类进入工业文明时代,现代生产力引发了社会生产方式的大变革,既促进了世界各国社会财富的积累和人类文明的繁荣,也引发了深重的生态环境危机,人类生存与发展的根基遭到严重破坏。如何统筹协调经济增长、社会进步与环境保护,解决好工业文明带来的矛盾成为全球关注的焦点,新质生产力正是中国对于这一问题的回答。本文指出,新质生产力本身就是绿色生产力,其开辟了生产力发展的绿色新路径,引领全球发展中国家更好地实现绿色发展,丰富与创新了绿色生产力理论,为中国的生态文明建设提供了新的指导思想与行动指南。本文分析认为,绿色发展是高质量发展的底色,是生态文明建设的必然要求和战略路径,新质生产力是推进绿色发展的关键动力。发展新质生产力可以更好地以绿色科技创新、绿色先进产业、绿色生活方式赋能生态文明建设,为塑造人与自然和谐共生新格局和构建地球生命共同体注入新动能。为加快发展新质生产力,赋能生态文明建设,必须加快绿色科技创新和先进绿色技术推广应用;必须加快建设智能化、绿色化、融合化的现代化产业体系;必须加快形成绿色新型生产关系,支撑高质量发展与高水平保护;必须加快形成节约资源和保护环境的绿色生活方式。 The rise of ecology leads to the rise of civilization,while the decline of ecology leads to the decline of civilization.The Industrial Revolution pushed mankind into the era of industrial civilization,and modern productive forces triggered a major change in the mode of social production,which not only contributed to the accumulation of social wealth and the prosperity of human civilization in all countries of the world,but also triggered a deep ecological and environmental crisis,and the foundations of human survival and development were seriously undermined.How to balance economic growth,social progress and environmental protection,and how to solve the contradictions brought about by industrial civilization have become the focus of global attention,and the new quality productive forces is precisely China's answer to this problem.This paper points out that the new quality productive forces itself is green productive forces,which can open up a new green path of the development of productive forces,lead the global developing countries to better achieve green development,enrich and innovate the theory of green productive forces,and provide a new guiding ideology and action guide for China's ecological civilization construction.This paper analyses that green development is the underlining color of high-quality development,the inevitable requirement and strategic path for the construction of ecological civilization.The development of new productive forces can promote green development and empower China's socialist eco-civilization construction with green scientific and technological innovation,green advanced industries and green lifestyles,injecting new momentum into shaping a new pattern of harmonious coexistence between human and nature,and building a global community of life.In order to accelerate the development of new quality productive forces and empower the construction of an ecological civilization,it is essential to accelerate green scientific and technological innovation and the promotion and application of advanced green technologies.It is basic to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system that is intelligent,green and integrated.It is vital to accelerate the formation of a new type of green production relations to support high-quality development and high levels of protection.It is necessary to accelerate the formation of a green way of life that saves resources and protects the environment.
作者 周文 张奕涵 ZHOU Wen;ZHANG Yihan(Institute of Marxism,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《生态文明研究》 2024年第4期17-30,共14页 Journal of Eco-civilization Studies
基金 研究阐释党的二十大精神国家社会科学基金重大项目“构建高水平社会主义市场经济体制的目标与重点任务研究”(批准号:23ZDA030) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大专项项目“习近平经济思想的实践来源与重要特征研究”(批准号:2024JZDZ005)。
关键词 习近平生态文明思想 新质生产力 绿色生产力 绿色发展 人与自然和谐共生 Xi Jinping thought on eco-civilization new quality productive forces green productive forces green development harmonious coexistence between human and nature
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