

Bibliometrics study on coastal wetland ecosystem restoration and its application of remote sensing technology
摘要 滨海湿地通过减缓气候变化和保护生物多样性,在区域和全球生态系统健康方面发挥着重要作用。受人类活动、气候变化、外来物种入侵等因素影响,我国部分地区的滨海湿地生态系统面临生态系统功能受损,生物多样性下降的危机。遥感是一种观测范围广,可快速获取大量可靠信息的成熟观测技术,近30年来在滨海湿地研究中被广泛应用。对遥感技术在全球滨海湿地恢复领域的应用进行文献计量分析,结果显示:中国在2010年首次超越美国成为该领域发文量最多的国家,代表性研究机构为中国科学院。关键词聚类分析显示滨海湿地生态系统演化、驱动因素以及修复技术研究,滨海沼泽湿地生态环境研究,水体信息反演研究,植被参数反演研究以及遥感技术研究是当前主要研究热点。在全球气候变化背景下,滨海生态系统面临不可控风险日益加剧,加强滨海湿地生态系统在不同时空维度下的响应和适应性研究迫切性日益凸显。我国需要尽快制定与管理行动相关的地方监测与反馈政策,建立滨海湿地监测网并定期收集和分析数据,利用大数据和决策工具快速对相关决策进行修正。 Coastal wetl ands play an important role in the health of local,regional and global ecosystems through climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation.As a result of human activities,climate change and invasive alien species,coastal wetland ecosystems in some areas of China are facing a crisis of impaired ecosystem functions and declining biodiversity.Remote sensing technology has been widely used in the restoration of coastal wetland ecosystems over the past 30 years because of its unique advantages such as wide observation range,fast access to information,large amount of information and high comparability of information.This work presents a visual analysis of the literature on the application of remote sensing technology in coastal wetla nd restoration based on bibliometrics.Our analysis shows that the application of remote sensing technology in coastal wetland ecology originated in 1993and entered a period of rapid development until 2008,with a significant increase in the number of publications in the last three years.In 2010,China surpassed the US for the first time in the field of coastal wetland remote sensing technology,jumping to the first place.Among the major research institutions,the Chinese Academy of Sciences had the highest number of publications,followed by the US Geological Survey and East China Normal University.Keyword clustering analysis shows that research on coastal wetland ecosystem evolution,drivers and restoration,coastal marsh wetland ecology,water body information inversion,vegetation parameter inversion and remote sensing technology are the main research hotspots at present.In the future,China should further strengthen the research on the response and adaptation of coastal wetland ecosystems in the context of global climate change,and reveal the differences in response and adaptation of coastal wetlands at different temporal a nd spatial scales.At the same time,in the face of increasingly severe challenges such as climate change,we should respond flexibly to local pressures and develop relevant policies for local monitoring and feedback related to management actions.Establish a coastal wetland monitoring network to regularly collect and analyse data,and use big data and decision-making tools to quickly make corrections to plans.
作者 熊萍 张立 李桂菊 赵晏强 XIONG Ping;ZHANG Li;LI Guiju;ZHAO Yanqiang(National Science Library(Wuhan),Chinese Academy of Sciences,Hubei Wuhan 430071,China;Hubei Key Laboratory of Big Data in Science and Technology,Hubei Wuhan 430071,China;Marine Environmental Engineering Center,South China Sea Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangdong Guangzhou 510301,China)
出处 《上海国土资源》 2024年第3期137-143,共7页 Shanghai Land & Resources
基金 中国科学院先导专项A(E3350705)。
关键词 滨海湿地 生态系统 遥感技术 文献计量 coastal wetlands ecosystem restoration techniques remote sensing literature metrology
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