

The Chinese Excellent Traditional Cultural Creative Transformation of the Concept of People-centered Green Development
摘要 坚持把马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合、同中华优秀传统文化相结合是实现中国特色社会主义理论创新的内在要求。中华优秀传统文化民本思想将民为邦本为政治主张、敬民爱民治国观念和施政之道构成政治文化智慧,转化为惠民利民施政举措和济世安民实践行动。而传统生态智慧崇尚万物一体、道法自然和天人合一的生存方式、价值向度和发展理念,遵循顺应自然、保护生态和改善环境的虞衡制度、机构设置和治理体系,追求取之以时、取之有度、用之有节的发展之道,二者均具重要时代价值。遵循系统观念原则以系统思维对传统民本思想与生态智慧进行生态惠民、生态利民和生态为民的创造性转化,审度并矫正西方工业化以来掠夺资源、转嫁污染和破坏生态的思维方式和行为模式,促进现代性发展范式转换生成以人民为中心的绿色发展价值取向及其实践,彰显推进中华文化时代新建构的使命担当。 The traditional Chinese culture,“people-oriented thought”,takes“people as the foundation of the nation”as the political views,takes“respecting and loving the people”and“benefiting and profiting the people”as its political and cultural wisdom,and advocates to conform to the people's aspirations and public opinions,gives particular attention to the people,and translates the people-oriented idea into administrative measures and practical actions for benefiting the people;the ecological wisdom of traditional Chinese culture advocates the living mode,value orientation and development vision of all things are integrated,following nature's course and harmony between man and nature.It complies with Yu-hens system,institution setting and governance system of following nature ways,ecological protection and environmental improvement.It pursues resources saving,intensive utilization and best use of materials of taking it with time,taking it with measure and using it with restraint.Xi Jinping adheres to the principle of system concept to evaluate and correct the thinking mode and behavior mode of plundering resources,transferring pollution and destroying ecology since the industrialization of the West,carries out creative transformation and innovative development of the people-oriented thought and ecological wisdom of traditional Chinese culture,builds a grand security architecture that balances security and development,and embarks on a new journey of socialist modernization featuring people-centered and green development.
作者 宁琳琳 包庆德 NING Lin-lin;BAO Qing-de(College of Marxism,Inner Mongolia University,Hohhot 010020,China;College of Marxism,Inner Mongolia University of Technology,Hohhot 010051,China;College of Philosophy,Inner Mongolia University,Hohhot 010020,China)
出处 《系统科学学报》 北大核心 2024年第3期54-59,共6页 Chinese Journal of Systems Science
基金 内蒙古研究阐释党的十九大精神社科规划重大项目“习近平新时代生态文明制度建设思想与内蒙古生态文明制度体系研究”(2018ZGH005)。
关键词 以人民为中心 绿色发展 系统思维 民本思想 生态智慧 创造性转化 创新性发展 people-centered green development system thinking the thought of people-oriented ecological wisdom creative transformation innovative development
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