

VoluntaryWithdrawal from Collective Economic Organization Shares:Theoretical Logic and Institutional Construction
摘要 集体成员自愿退出集体经济组织股份作为推进农村集体产权制度改革的重要一环,至今因自身生成机理不清而导致对外流转可行性不明,进一步造成其实体及程序适用条件混乱。对此,应围绕现行法规及维护集体所有制的制度初衷,肯定集体经济组织股份本质为收益分配权,不含成员权利。在处理集体成员、集体经济组织、外部成员三个核心利益主体矛盾时,应紧紧围绕维护集体所有制的诉求,系统梳理农地承包经营权、宅基地使用权、集体经济组织股份所蕴含的价值取向。就此可得,平衡各方主体利益时应以偏重集体成员利益与发挥集体股份经济职能为基本原则。循此逻辑,应肯定集体股份对外流转的可行性,同时为防止社会资本侵蚀集体所有制,应适度对社会资本持有的股份予以期限及比例规制,赋予集体成员优先购买权。通过以上种种举措,可推论出集体成员自愿退出股份不应给予实体束缚,但程序上应调整为以户为申请单位,并给予集体经济组织审核权,以保障集体经济组织真正实现市场化运转。 The voluntary withdrawal of collective members from collective economic organization shares is a crucial part in advanc⁃ing the reform of rural collective property rights systems.However,due to the unclear mechanism of its own generation,the feasibili⁃ty of external transfer remains ambiguous,leading to confusion regarding the practical and procedural conditions.In this regard,it is necessary to recognize that the essence of shares in collective economic organizations lies in the right to benefit distribution rath⁃er than in member rights,while adhering to existing regulations and the original intent of preserving collective ownership.In ad⁃dressing conflicts among collective members,collective economic organizations,and external members,the focus should be on maintaining collective ownership.A systematic review of the value orientations inherent is required in agricultural land contracting rights,homestead usage rights,and collective economic organization shares.Therefore,balancing interests should prioritize the ben⁃efits of collective members and exert the economic functions of collective shares.Consequently,the feasibility of the external trans⁃fer of collective shares should be affirmed.Meanwhile,in order to prevent social capital from eroding collective ownership,the peri⁃od and proportion of shares held by social capital should be moderately regulated,and collective members should be given priority of purchase rights.These measures suggest that while voluntary withdrawal from shares should not be subject to substantial con⁃straints,procedural adjustments should involve household-level applications and grant review authority to collective economic orga⁃nizations to ensure market-oriented operations.
作者 戈伟增 祝之舟 Ge Weizeng;Zhu Zhizhou(Inner Mongolia University,Hohhot,010000,China)
机构地区 内蒙古大学
出处 《新疆农垦经济》 2024年第9期47-55,共9页 Xinjiang State Farms Economy
基金 国家社科基金西部项目(项目编号:19XFX007)。
关键词 福利 公共服务 提供机制 农民工 可行能力理论 collective asset shares voluntary withdrawal income distribution rights interest balance
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