
High Sensitivity Submicron Scale Temperature Sensor Based on Perovskite Nanoplatelet Lasers

摘要 Submicron scale temperature sensors are crucial for a range of applications,particularly in micro and na-noscale environments.One promising solution involves the use of active whispering gallery mode(WGM)microresonators.These resonators can be remotely excited and read out using free-space structures,simplifying the process of sensing.In this study,we present a submicron-scale temperature sensor with a remarkable sensitivity up to 185 pm/℃based on a trian-gular MAPbI3 nanoplatelet(NPL)laser.Notably,as temperature changes,the peak wavelength of the laser line shifts lin-early.This unique characteristic allows for precise temperature sensing by tracking the peak wavelength of the NPL laser.The optical modes are confined within the perovskite NPL,which measures just 85 nm in height,due to total internal reflec-tion.Our NPL laser boasts several key features,including a high Q of~2610 and a low laser threshold of about 19.8μJ·cm^(−2).The combination of exceptional sensitivity and ultra-small size makes our WGM device an ideal candidate for integration into systems that demand compact temperature sensors.This advancement paves the way for significant prog-ress in the development of ultrasmall temperature sensors,opening new possibilities across various fields. 在微纳米尺度环境中,亚微米级温度传感器的应用扮演着至关重要的角色。特别地,采用主动型回音壁模式(WGM)的微纳谐振腔设计能够通过自由空间结构实现传感信号的远程激发与探测,极大地促进了传感过程的便捷性和可行性。本文展示了一种基于MAPbI3三角形纳米片(NPL)激光器的亚微米级温度传感器,其灵敏度高达185 pm/℃。实验研究表明,激光发射的中心波长与环境温度之间存在紧密且稳定的线性关系,这一发现为通过监测谐振波长变化来实现高精度温度测量提供了有力支持。光学模式得益于全内反射效应,被有效地局限在仅85 nm厚的纳米片内部。该NPL激光器展现出杰出的性能特性,其品质因数(Q)高达约2610,阈值低至19.8μJ·cm^(-2)。高灵敏度和小尺寸使钙钛矿纳米片成为集成温度传感器的理想器件。这一研究有望加速超小型温度传感器的技术进步,拓展其在光电技术领域的应用范畴,开创更多创新可能。
作者 ZHAO Ruofan TAO Jianxun XI Yuying CHEN Jiangzhao JI Ting WANG Wenyan WEN Rong CUI Yanxia CHEN Junsheng LI Guohui 赵若凡;陶健勋;郤育莺;陈江照;冀婷;王文艳;温荣;崔艳霞;陈俊生;李国辉(太原理工大学电子信息与光学工程学院,山西太原030024;昆明理工大学材料科学与工程学院,云南昆明650093;山西浙大新材料与化工研究院,山西太原030024;丹麦哥本哈根大学纳米科学中心及化学系,丹麦哥本哈根DK-2100)
出处 《发光学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期1511-1520,共10页 Chinese Journal of Luminescence
基金 国家自然科学基金(U21A20496,61905173,12104334) 山西省重点研发计划(202102150101007) 山西省留学回国人员科技活动择优资助项目(20230011) 山西浙大新材料与化工研究院研发项目(2021SX-FR008,2022SX-TD020) 中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(YDZJSX20231A010,YDZJSX2021A012) 山西省自然科学基金(20210302123154,202203021222102) 山西省回国留学人员科研资助项目(2021-033) 量子光学与量子光学器件国家重点实验室项目(KF202306) 诺和诺德基金会(NNF22OC0073582)。
关键词 temperature sensor submicron scale perovskite nanoplatelet 温度传感器 亚微米 钙钛矿纳米片
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