

Analysis of Medication Rules for the Treatment of Irregular Menstruationin Chen Su’an’s Gynecological Remedies:Menstrual Regulation
摘要 目的总结并分析《陈素庵妇科补解·调经门》的用药规律。方法整理《陈素庵妇科补解·调经门》收录的方剂,用Excel 2010建立数据库,采用SPSS Modeler 18.0、SPSS Statistics 25.0进行数据分析。结果纳入方剂54首,涉及中药115味,累计用药频次630次。统计分析得出,使用频次最多的药物是当归、川芎、香附、牡丹皮、生地黄;高频药物中(使用频次≥10次),药性频次最多的是温性,药味频次最多的是甘、苦味,归经使用频次最多的是肝、脾、心经。由二项关联规则排名前3的是当归-川芎、香附-当归、白芍-川芎。高频药物系统聚类分析得到4个药物聚类组合。决策树模型分析中以当归作为因变量,川芎、赤芍、茯苓、红花在药物配伍中具有重要地位,最佳识别药物为川芎。结论陈素庵认为,妇人诸疾皆因经水不调,病位责之肝脾,变化在气实血虚。功善用四物养血活血,四君益气健脾,逍遥疏肝理气。并提出调经宜养血和气,以养血为主,行气为先;甘温健脾,以滋化源;寒温并重,以致平和。 Objective To summarize and analyze the medication rules of Chen Su’an’s Gynecological Remedies:Menstrual Regulation.Methods The formulas included in Chen Su’an’s Gynecological Remedies:Menstrual Regulation were organized and a database was established using Excel 2010 software.SPSS Modeler 18.0 and SPSS Statistics 25.0 software were used for data analysis of the medicinal ingredients in the traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions.Results A total of 54 formulas were included,involving 115 different medicinal ingredients,with a cumulative frequency of medication use reaching 630 times.Statistical analysis revealed that the most frequently used medicinal ingredients were Danggui,Chuanxiong,Xiangfu,Mudanpi,and Shengdihuang.In the high-frequency medicinal ingredients(used frequency≥10 times),the most frequently used medicinal properties were warm,and the most frequently used tastes were sweet and bitter.The most frequently associated meridians were Liver,Spleen,and Heart.The top three association rules were Danggui-Chuanxiong,Xiangfu-Danggui,and Baishao-Chuanxiong.Cluster analysis of high-frequency medicinal ingredients revealed four combination groups.In the decision tree model analysis,Danggui served as the dependent variable,and Chuanxiong,Chishao,Fuling,and Honghua were found to have an important position in medication compatibility,with Chuanxiong being the best identifying medicinal ingredient.Conclusion Chen Su’an believes that various ailments in women are all caused by menstrual irregularities.The pathology of these diseases primarily lies in the liver and spleen,manifesting as stagnant Qi and deficient blood.He highlights the efficacy of Siwutang in nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation,Sijunzitang in supplementing Qi and strengthening the spleen,as well as the role of Xiaoyaosan in soothing the liver and regulating Qi.He also emphasizes that in the regulation of menstruation,it is important to nourish both blood and Qi,with a primary focus on nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation.Additionally,he suggests sweet and warm herbs to strengthen the spleen and facilitate nourishment,while maintaining a balance between cold and warm properties for overall harmony.
作者 刘洋 张全英 师伟 LIU Yang;ZHANG Quanying;SHI Wei(The First Clinical College,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250014,China;Department of Gynecology,Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250014,China)
出处 《湖北民族大学学报(医学版)》 2024年第3期40-44,共5页 Journal of Hubei Minzu University(Medical Edition)
基金 泰山学者青年专家项目(tsqn201909185) 山东省自然科学创新发展联合基金项目(ZR2023LZY024) 山东省自然科学基金面上项目(ZR2021MH198) 山东省中医药科技项目面上项目(2021M186)。
关键词 数据挖掘 《陈素庵妇科补解》 调经 用药规律 data mining Chen Su’an’s gynecological remedies menstrual regulation medication rules
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