

Effects of Napping Patterns on Nighttime Sleep Quality and Daytime Functioning in Different Regions
摘要 深入考察中国各地区人群的午睡模式,以及不同地区人群的午睡模式对其夜晚睡眠质量和日间功能的影响。通过线上问卷调查,纳入了来自31个省份共3 320个有效样本。结果显示,各地区保持午睡习惯的人群比例普遍较高,其中华南、西南等南方地区有午睡习惯的人群比例相对较高,而东北、华北地区有午睡习惯的人群比例则相对较低。此外,稳定的午睡习惯对于改善日间功能和夜晚睡眠质量的主观感受有显著作用,但过长的午睡时间可能会导致夜晚睡眠质量下降。同时,午睡的起始时间对个体的日间功能存在显著预测作用,个体在13∶00—14∶00开始午睡,其日间功能感受最佳。研究结果不仅为个体合理安排午睡提供了建议,也为加强社会对午睡的重视提供了支持。 The current study investigated the napping patterns and the effects of napping on nighttime sleep quality and daytime functioning in different regions of China.A total of 3,320 samples from 31 provinces,municipalities,and autonomous regions were included through an online survey.The results showed that the proportion of the population who have napping habits was commonly high in each region,with a higher proportion in Southern China and Southwestern China,and a relatively lower proportion in Northeastern and Northern China.In addition,stable napping habits contributed significantly to improving subjective daytime functioning and nighttime sleep quality.However,an excessively long nap might lead to a decrease in nighttime sleep quality.Furthermore,the onset time of napping significantly predicted individuals daytime functioning,and individuals who started napping between 13:00 and 14:00 reported their best performance during daytime.The present findings not only suggest rationalizing individuals nap schedules but also provide evidence to further pay more attention to napping.
作者 马宁 曹艺轩 MA Ning;CAO Yixuan
出处 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期30-43,205,共15页 Journal of South China Normal University:Social Science Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目“睡眠缺失对青少年认知功能和情绪健康的影响及干预研究”(21YJC190011)。
关键词 午睡 夜晚睡眠质量 日间功能 nap nighttime sleep quality daytime functioning
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