

Forgery and Reality:The Era Fashion in The Six Character Painting Manual of Tang Poetry
摘要 《唐诗六言画谱》是明万历年间诗、书、画三者精妙配合的画谱,共收录六言诗58首,18首无配图。画谱所录六言诗大部分为伪作,或改换唐人诗题、作者;或据五七言改写;或自创。编刊者选录8首署名李白的诗歌以及较多的中晚唐诗,力图在保持唐诗风貌的基础上,呼应晚明扬李抑杜、宗尚中晚唐诗风的特色。《唐诗六言画谱》以图配文,诗与画大部分是全景式画面的一一对应,着重细节呈现,还使诗人入画,试图呈现诗人创作整体情境,展现画家对诗画转译的新理解。《唐诗六言画谱》的新变化源自期待读者群体从“士”扩大为“四方鉴赏者”的拓展,刊刻者希望为读者群体提供印证式的阅读体验,使其享有解密式的阅读快感。相对于因“卧游”观念风行的旅游绘本,画谱提供了更为纯粹的艺术世界。 The Six Character Painting Manual of Tang Poetry is a painting manual from the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty,which includes a total of 58 six character poems and 18 without accompanying illustrations.Most of the six character poems recorded in the picture sheet are fake works,which can be divided into three situations:first,changing the titles or authors of the poems written by Tang people;The second is to rewrite based on five character or seven character poetry;The third is self created by Ming people,named after Tang people.The publisher selected 8 poems signed by Li Bai and a large number of mid to late Tang poems,which reflects the trend of the times.The poetry and painting in The Six Character Painting Manual of Tang Poetry are mostly one-to-one correspondences of panoramic images,forming a fixed pattern.The painter incorporates the poet into the painting,attempting to present the reader with the scene of the poet writing poetry.The contrast between poetry and painting,as well as the panoramic style of picture creation,have an impact on the acceptance of the score and the reading experience of readers.Readers search for the content mentioned in the poem in the picture,and the details in the picture present the poem,thereby achieving the reader s expectations.After receiving positive affirmation,they gain the pleasure of reading.
作者 刘青 LIU Qing
机构地区 学术研究杂志社
出处 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期179-188,208,共11页 Journal of South China Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 《唐诗六言画谱》 全景式图画创作 六言诗 阅读体验 The Six Character Painting Manual of Tang Poetry the panoramic style of picture creation six character poems the reading experience of readers
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