In order to deeply investigate the evolution and promotion mechanism of scientific and technological talents’innovation capability,this article constructs the system dynamics flow diagram and simulation model of the evolution of scientific and technological talents’innovation capability based on the actual scientific research data of do⁃mestic scientific research institutes,and carries out model validation and sensitivity simulation analysis by applying the system dynamics theory and VEN⁃SIM simulation modeling tools.The results of the study show that:①The evolution of innovation capability of scientific and technological talents presents the comprehensive and complex character⁃istics of both intrinsic and extrinsic innovation,in which the intrinsic innovation capability shows stable growth,while the extrinsic innovation capability shows a more significant growth trend in the later stage.②The amplification effect of the research en⁃vironment on the enhancement of scientific and tech⁃nological talents’innovation capability is particularly significant,highlighting the key role of optimizing the research environment in promoting the enhance⁃ment of innovation capability.The capability to support the scientific research environment shows a non-linear growth in the later period,thanks to the synergistic enhancement effect of multi-dimensional variables such as the level of profes⁃sional academics,the level of independent research and development,and the level of team assistance.③The enhancement of organizational capabilities within research institutions exhibits a certain level of volatility,revealing the underlying uncertainties that these institutions confront during the process of capa⁃bility upgrading.Furthermore,although the elevation of organizational capabilities in research institutions positively impacts the innovative abilities of scientific and technological talents,it manifests a certain lag.This lag may be attributed to the delayed effects following the optimization of organizational management and processes within the research insti⁃tutions.The system dynamics flow diagram and simu⁃lation model constructed in this article can effectively reveal the internal logic and evolution law of innovation capability enhancement,aiming to provide scientific basis for the enhancement strategy of scientific and technological talents’in⁃novation capability,and at the same time,provide reference for scientific research institutions in terms of rational allocation and optimal utilization of sci⁃entific research resources.
Guo Zheng;Liang Lijun;Zhang Mengwan
Scientific and technical talent
Innovation capability
System dynamics
Enhance⁃ment mechanism
Simulation modeling