After World War Ⅱ,with the support of United States,Japan formulated a series of industrial policies based on its own resource endowment and comparative advantages to promote economic recovery and rapid development.In this process,the trade deficit between United States and Japan has continued to widen,and trade frictions between the two countries have occurred and escalated in many fields.From the perspective of industry,this paper analyzes the process of economic recovery and changes in industrial structure in Japan,as well as the measures,effects and enlightenment of trade protectionism at different stages of development.The study found that in the face of trade frictions with the United States,Japan mostly compromised by implementing voluntary export constraints.Faced with the resulting decline in export share,Japan has absorbed excess capacity through government subsidies and promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry to technology-intensive.At the same time,Japan will shift labor-intensive industries to developing countries,increase the share of overseas investment in target markets,and increase the proportion of local production and sales of related products to cope with the impact of trade frictions.Through the analysis of the trade friction between Japan and the United States,four policy suggestions are summarized,including the need to expand diversified trading partners,increase the amount of overseas investment,strengthen the research and development of core technologies,and the transformation and development of financial service enterprises and“go global”.
Wen Bin;Ma Yixiang