

Verification researches of black hole illusion:progress
摘要 黑洞错觉导致的航空事故频发,但对于此问题的内在机制和因果关系并没有合理一致的解释,仍需深入探索。本研究在概述黑洞错觉现象的基础上,梳理了国外对于黑洞错觉早期的各种机制假说以及验证评估过程,阐述了一种最新的机制假说——线偏差错觉,及其验证研究方法,并总结了黑洞错觉的识别预防策略,为后续开展研究奠定基础。 Aviation accidents caused by the illusion of black holes have occurred frequently,but there is no reasonable and consistent explanation for the internal mechanism and causal relationship of this problem,and further exploration is still needed.This article gives an overview of the phenomenon of black hole illusion,then reviews various mechanism hypotheses,verification and evaluation for the early stage of black hole illusion,and elaborates a novel mechanism hypothesis—line deviation illusion,and its verification methods.We also sum up identification and prevention strategies for black hole illusion,aiming to lay a foundation for subsequent research.
作者 张小敏 董龙宝 姚永杰 Zhang Xiaomin;Dong Longbao;Yao Yongjie(Department of Otolaryngology,Naval Medical Center,Naval Medical University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《海军医学杂志》 2024年第9期993-998,共6页 Journal of Navy Medicine
基金 海军军医大学(第二军医大学)海军特色医学中心“打仗型卫勤”基金科研专项(20M4402)。
关键词 黑洞错觉 空间定向障碍 夜间进近 无特征地形 Black hole illusion Spatial disorientation Night approach Featureless terrain
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