Greek historian Herodotus once traveled to the Nile Delta in Egypt for historical remains and folk customs.Among his"Egyptian Stories",the accounts dealing with the city of Bubastis and the cult of the cat goddess Bastet have attracted serious academic attention concerning their reliability.This article first conducts a textual analysis of Herodotus'accounts,and then traces the archaeological finds in Bubastis.On this basis,the article analyzes the reliability of Herodotus’accounts as well as their historical value.By conclusion,the article points out that although Herodotus's"Egyptian Stories"contain many absurd and incredible contents,his accounts about Bubastis and the cult of the Bastet were mainly based upon eye-witness information or other types of reliable sources.The reliability of those texts has been confirmed by archaeological and scientific investigations and supported by ancient Egyptian texts and iconography.
Wang Yixin(Faculty of History,Nankai University,Tianjin,300350,China)
The Journal of Ancient Civilizations