

Analysis of Suitable Sowing Date of Maize in Qiqihar City Based on Meteorological Conditions
摘要 本文对齐齐哈尔市10个国家气象站1981—2023年春季逐日气象资料统计分析,得出地温、气温和首场透雨时空分布特征,结果表明,年代际间气温稳定通过8℃出现的日期所在年份与适宜地温初日出现的日期所在年份大致相同,且初日均呈现西早东晚的趋势,同一年份最早最晚日期两地分别相差55 d和26 d。地温年代际间对比呈现2011—2020年出现日期相较其他两个年代际较早,气温呈现1981—1990年代出现日期普遍晚于其他年代际,1991—2000年、2011—2020年相对其他年代际出现较早。首场透雨呈现东早西晚的趋势,同一年份最早最晚初日相差54 d。统计年限中有9年为无透雨年,11年为区域性透雨年,23年为正常年份,同时研究出各地的适播期时间,可为今后齐齐哈尔市及其他地区适时开展玉米春播气象服务奠定基础。 Based on the statistical analysis of daily meteorological data from 10 national meteorological stations in Qiqihar from 1981 to 2023,the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of ground temperature,air temperature and first rain were obtained.The results show that the year of the interdecadal temperature stable passing 8℃is roughly the same as the year of the first day of the suitable temperature,and the trend of the first day is earlier in the west and later in the east,with a difference of 55 d and 26 d between the earliest and the latest dates in the same year.The interdecadal comparison of ground temperature shows that the occurrence date of 2011 to 2020 is earlier than that of the other two decadals,the occurrence date of temperature in 1981 to 1990 is generally later than that of other decadals,and the occurrence date of 1991 to 2000 and 2011 to 2020 is earlier than that of other decadals.The first rainfall showed a trend of early in the east and late in the west,with a difference of 54d between the earliest and the latest early days in the same year.In the statistical years,9 years were no rainy years,11 years were regional rainy years,and 23 years were normal years.At the same time,the suitable sowing time of various places was studied,which could lay a foundation for the timely meteorological service of spring corn sowing in Qiqihar and other areas in the future.
作者 薛瑶 吕东辉 孙涛 韦昊彤 赵锐 初征 XUE Yao;LYU Donghui;SUN Tao;WEI Haotong;ZHAO Rui;CHU Zheng(Qiqihar Meteorological Bureau Qiqihar,Heilongjiang 161000;Gannan Meteorological Bureau Qiqihar,Heilongjiang 162100;Tailai Meteorological Bureau Qiqihar,Heilongjiang 162400;Heilongjiang Institute of Meteorological Science Harbin,Heilongjiang 150000)
出处 《现代农业研究》 2024年第10期78-86,共9页 Modern Agriculture Research
基金 黑龙江气象局科技创新发展项目“基于气象条件的齐齐哈尔市春玉米适播期分析”(项目编号:HQZC2023050)。
关键词 玉米 适播期 地温 气温 透雨 corn suitable sowing date ground temperature air temperature soaker
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