

Countering Discourse of Immigrants from the Mainland of China and Writing Hong Kong of China Experience--The supplement of“Art Circle”of“Chinese Mail”and Local Film Criticism in Hong Kong during the War of Resistance Against Japan
摘要 抗日战争时期,大批内地文人南下涌入中国香港,垄断了香港电影批评,香港本土批评被挤向边缘。为了对抗“南来话语”,香港《华字日报》“艺坛”副刊的本地文人摒弃了“电影救国”的南来批评视角,启用“商业民族主义”理念重新审视港产粤语电影,呼吁提升制作品质、表现先进意识以恢复粤语电影的“国片”资格,实现粤语电影由“旧”向“新”的蜕变。本土评论家由香港经验发出的批评,既展现了中国香港人在“启蒙”而非“救亡”的价值维度上阐释民族主义的独特观念,也提示着在“中原”和“殖民”的双重夹缝中,香港本土意识开始朦胧显影。 During the Anti-Japanese War,a large number of mainland of China critics came to Hong Kong of China and monopolized the Cantonese film criticism in Hong Kong,pushing the local criticism to the edge.In order to counter the.mainland's critical discourse,Hong Kong of China critics did not use the mainstream.critical discourse of“film to save the country”,but re-invoked the popular film concept of“industrial nationalism”in the 1920s to examine Cantonese films.Inspired by“industrial nationalism”,local critics have called for improving the quality of production to restore the status of Cantonese films as national films and return Hong Kong of China culture to the context of the Chinese nationality,And the value of“enlightenment”rather than“salvation”in Cantonese films is emphasized.The criticism of local literati showed the hazy development of Hong Kong’s indigenous consciousness.However,although local literati felt double marginalization in the gap between“Central China”and“colonization”,they still sought the possibility of self-expression in the framework of“nationalism”.
作者 李玲玲 Li Lingling
出处 《媒介批评》 2024年第1期184-198,共15页 Media Criticism
关键词 《华字日报》“艺坛”副刊 南来话语 本土批评 商业民族主义 香港经验 The Supplement of“Art Circle”of“Chinese Mail” Discourse of Immigrants from the Mainland Local Criticism Industrial Nationalism Hong Kong of China Experience
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