

The Boundary-Crossing"Space":Women's Subjective Consciousness and Identity in the Film Everything Everywhere All at Once
摘要 2022年《瞬息全宇宙》(Everything Everywhere Allat Once)轰动全球,接连获得多个国际主流电影奖项,成为华裔美国电影之光。以列斐伏尔(Henri Lefebvre)及霍米·巴巴(Homi K.Bhabha)等人提出的“空间”理论对这部电影的独特之处进行透视,围绕影片对“空间表征”(representations of space)的设定与“第三空间”(third space)的构建,聚焦美国的华裔移民生存处境之艰、女性主人公身份认同建构之难、母女关系和解之路的曲折与漫长等,可以探索电影艺术融合异质文化、创造新质的影像实验,思考“空间转向”的内在新动能。 In 2022,the film Everything Everywhere All at Once became a global sensation,winning numerous international mainstream film awards and emerging as a shining example of Chinese-American film.Through the lens of Henri Lefebvre's"space"theory and Homi K.Bhabha's concept of the"Third space,"the film's uniqueness is highlighted,particularly in its portrayal of"Representations of Space"and the construction of the"Third Space."The film vividly depicts the challenging lives of Chinese immigrants in the United States,the female protagonist's struggle with identity construction,and the complex journey toward reconciliation between mother and daughter.On this basis,we can also explore the fusion of film art with heterogeneous cultures,the creation of innovative cinematic experiments,and the internal dynamics driving the"spatial turn".
作者 魏琛琳 刘江英 Wei Chenlin;Liu Jiangying
出处 《戏剧与影视评论》 2024年第3期64-72,共9页 Review of Theatre and Film
关键词 《瞬息全宇宙》 空间表征 第三空间 美国华裔女性 身份认同 Everything Everywhere All at Once Representations of Space Third Space Chinese-American Females identity
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