

A Visual Analysis of Research Hotspots and Development Trends in E-health Literacy
摘要 通过检索中国知网、万方、维普、中国生物医学文献服务系统和Web of Science核心合集数据库建库至2023年12月发表的电子健康素养的相关文献,应用CiteSpace 6.2.R4软件进行关键词共现、聚类和突现分析。发文量总体呈持续上升趋势,但国内发文量较国外有较大差距。研究热点和趋势集中在移动医疗、慢性病患者电子健康素养、中青年学生群体电子健康素养、公共卫生事件等方面。我国可借助国际研究热点及前沿拓展研究思路,加大对该领域的关注,促进我国电子健康素养领域的不断创新和发展,提升全民电子健康素养。 By retrieving relevant literature on e-health literacy published up to December 2023 from databases such as CNKI,Wanfang,VIP,CBM,and the Web of Science core collection,this study utilizes CiteSpace 6.2.R4 software to analyze keyword co-occurrence,clustering,and burst detection.The overall publication volume in this field shows a continuous upward trend,though domestic publications lag significantly behind those from abroad.The research hotspots and trends focus on mobile healthcare,e-health literacy of patients with chronic diseases,e-health literacy of young and middle-aged students,and public health events.China can leverage international research hotspots and cutting-edge developments to expand research ideas,pay more attention to this field,promote continuous innovation and development of China's e-health literacy,and ultimately enhance the nation's overall e-health literacy.
作者 卢丽 王诗雨 李红云 黎虹 王艺静 文红英 LU Li;WANG Shiyu;LI Hongyun;LI Hong;WANG Yijing;WEN Hongying(ICU of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery,Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical Col-lege,Nanchong 637000,China)
出处 《医学与哲学》 北大核心 2024年第17期22-27,共6页 Medicine and Philosophy
关键词 电子健康素养 数字健康素养 可视化分析 e-health literacy digital health literacy visual analysis
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