In order to study the thermal properties of TPEE,the effects of different polyether(PTMG)content on TPEE melting point,melting enthalpy,melting crystallization temperature,melting crystallization enthalpy,melt-ing crystallization peak type and their variation rules were studied by differential scanning calorimetry(DSC),and the non isothermal crystallization behavior of TPEE with different polyether content was studied.The results showed that with the increase of polyether soft segment content,the melting point of TPEE elastomer gradually decreased,the melting peak and crystallization exothermic peak gradually widened,the non isothermal crystallization peak of TPEE moved to low temperature,and the semi crystallization cycle became longer,and the crystallization rate de-creased.The non isothermal crystallization kinetics study confirmed that the introduction of a small amount of poly-ether changed the crystallization growth mode of PBT molecular chain and reduced the crystallization rate constant.However,the further increase of polyether content will not affect the crystallization growth mode,but only reduce the crystallization rate.The melting point,melting crystallization temperature has a linear relationship with PT-MG content,and the correlation is good.The effect of different polyether content on the thermal degradation of TPEE elastomer was studied by thermogravimetric analysis(TG).The results showed that with the increase of PTMG con-tent,the initial decomposition temperature T,of TPEE was similar,but the temperature Tmax corresponding to the maximum degradation rate showed a gradual upward trend,indicating that with the degradation reaction,the ther-mal stability of TPEE elastomer gradually increased,which may be related to the antioxidant content.
Wu Huazhi(PBT Department of Sinopec Yizheng Chemical Fibre Co.,Ltd.,Yizheng Jiangsu 211900,China)
Synthetic Technology & Application
thermoplastic polyester elastomer
polyether soft segment
melt crystallization
non isother-mal crystallization
thermal degradation