

Mission and Identity:The Blending of Nature and Self in the Poems of Manchu Official Literati in the Western Regions of the Qing Dynasty
摘要 清代西域满族居官文人深受朝廷倚重,且多熟谙汉语诗文创作,故仕宦期间以诗作表达其恪尽职守、践履西域的强烈使命感。西域满族居官文人的西戍诗歌亦表现出对治边理政的强烈责任感,将自然地理、人文景观书写与立功边塞豪情相融合形成物我交融的书写,诗作亦得江山之助,将豪迈超拔之气与闲适静谧之情相结合,塑造出靖边安国、建设西陲与体察民情等善理边政的主人翁形象。清代西域满族官员作为朝廷之重臣而竭尽忠诚,在西戍诗歌中寄寓忠孝情怀下的建功西陲之志,诗风雄健激昂,彰显清代西域满族居官文人的深厚文化底蕴,循此亦可寻绎清代满汉文化融合在西域边地的重大成效。 The Manchu officials stationed in the western regions during the Qing dynasty were highly valued by the Qing court,and many of them were proficient in composing Chinese poetry.During their official tenure,they used poetry to express a strong sense of mission and dedication to governing the western regions.The poems of these Manchu officials reflect their deep commitment to border governance and management,blending descriptions of natural geography and cultural landscapes with the heroic sentiment of defending and developing the frontier——forming a unique style of integrating the self with the environ-ment.The poetry integrates the grandeur of rivers and mountains with feelings of tranquility and leisure,crafting an image of of-ficials devoted to securing peace,constructing the frontier,and understanding the people’s needs.As loyal servants of the Qing court,these Manchu officials conveyed their aspirations for significant contributions to the western regions through their poetry,reflecting sentiments of loyalty and filial piety.The vigorous and passionate style of these poems highlights the rich cultural her-itage of the Manchu official literati and also demonstrates the significant outcomes of Manchu-Han cultural integration in the western frontier during the Qing dynasty.
作者 李江杰 赵佳丽 LI Jiangjie;ZHAO Jiai(College of Literature Art,Shihezi University,Shihezi 832003,China)
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第5期117-124,共8页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目“全西域文整理与研究”(项目编号:17ZDA263) 国家社会科学基金项目“清代西域文人别集整理与研究”(项目编号:20BZW076)的阶段性成果。
关键词 清代 满族居官文人 地理景观 文学书写 物我交融 Qing Dynasty Manchu official literati geographical landscape literary writing blending of nature and self








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