

Analysis of the Effect of Environmental Temperature on the Quality of'Wuyi Rougui'during Zuoqing Process
摘要 为探究不同做青环境温度对肉桂茶品质的影响,以乌龙茶品种肉桂鲜叶为原料,按照武夷岩茶加工工艺加工,设置18、24、30℃做青环境温度处理,对不同处理加工的肉桂茶进行感官品质和主要生化成分分析。结果表明,做青环境温度24℃加工的肉桂茶感官品质综合得分高于18、30℃处理,其香气呈明显花香,滋味醇厚。不同做青环境温度加工的肉桂毛茶水浸出物含量无显著差异,做青环境温度30℃加工的肉桂毛茶中黄酮类化合物含量显著高于18、24℃加工的毛茶(P<0.05),做青环境温度18℃加工的肉桂毛茶中茶多酚含量显著高于24、30℃处理,较高的黄酮类化合物和茶多酚含量会增强茶汤的苦涩感,这与18、30℃做青环境温度加工的毛茶滋味苦涩的感官审评结果一致;做青环境温度24℃加工的肉桂毛茶游离氨基酸含量显著高于18、30℃加工的毛茶,较高的游离氨基酸含量使得毛茶的滋味更加丰富,与采用24℃做青环境温度加工的毛茶滋味醇厚的感官审评结果一致。由此可得,做青环境温度为24℃时加工的肉桂毛茶品质优于18、30℃加工的毛茶,确定肉桂茶做青工序适宜的环境温度为24℃,试验结果能够为武夷肉桂品质提升提供理论参考。 To explore the effects of different environmental temperatures on the quality of Wuyi Rougui during Zuoqing process,resh leaves of oolong tea cultivar‘Rougui’were used as raw material and processed according to the processing technology of Wuyi rock tea.The Zuoqing environmental temperatures were set at 18,24 and 30℃,and the main biochemical components such as sensory quality,water extracts,tea polyphenols,flavonoids and free amino acids were analyzed.The results show that the comprehensive score of sensory quality of‘Rougui’tea processed at 24℃was higher than that at 18 and 30℃,and its aroma was distinctly floral and mellow.There was no significant difference in the extract content of‘Rougui’tea processed at different Zuoqing environmental temperature,and the environmental temperature of 18℃was the highest(P>0.05).The content of flavonoids in‘Rougui’tea processed at 30℃was significantly higher than that in‘Rougui’tea processed at 18 and 24℃(P<0.05).The content of tea polyphenols in Rougui tea processed at 18℃was significantly higher than that in‘Rougui’tea processed at 24 and 30℃(P<0.05).Higher levels of flavonoids and tea polyphenols enhanced the bitterness of tea soup,which was consistent with the sensory evaluation results of the bitter taste of'Rougui'tea processed at 18 and 30℃.The content of free amino acids in‘Rougui’tea processed at 24℃was significantly higher than that in‘Rougui’tea processed at 18 and 30℃(P<0.05),and the higher content of free amino acids,the better taste of Rougui tea,which was consistent with the sensory evaluation results of the mellow taste of‘Rougui’tea processed at 24℃.In summary,the quality of‘Rougui’tea processed at 24℃was better than that of tea samples processed at 18 and 30℃.It can be seen that the suitable environmental temperature for the Zuoqing process of'Rougui'tea is 24℃,which provided a reference for the improvement of the quality of‘Wuyi Rougui’Tea.
作者 李佐越 张芳婷 江丽萍 LI Zuoyue;ZHANG Fangting;JIANG Liping(Wuyishan Institute of Biology Fujian Province,Wuyishan 354300,China;College of Horticulture,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002,China;Wuyishan Tea Industry Development Center,Wuyishan 354300,China)
出处 《中国茶叶》 2024年第10期32-36,共5页 China Tea
基金 福建省属公益类科研院所基本科研专项(2022R1009001)。
关键词 做青 环境温度 肉桂 生化成分 品质分析 Zuoqing environmental temperature Rougui biochemical components quality analysis
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