

Intersection and Convergence:The Concept of Hao Sumin's Discipline Construction and the Inspiration for New Liberal Arts Construction
摘要 郝苏民出生于、成长于、扎根于和守望于大西北,为民俗学及相近学科建设“爬坡”三十年,首创了民俗学、人类学、民族学和社会学交叉互鉴、自相汇通的学科体系。郝苏民坚持从实求知,深谙现实是个整体,而学科是人们认识现实的分裂性建制,现实问题的解决需要综合运用多种学科的知识来实现。于是,他在治学育人与学科建设中,高度重视田野作业,强调以问题为中心,各学科围绕具体问题通力合作,互学互鉴,在交叉融合中守正创新。学科交叉是新文科建设的要义所在,从理论层面回顾和研究郝苏民学科建设的理念与实践,对新时代高等学校学科建设和人才培养具有重要的启示意义。 Hao Sumin was born,grew up in,rooted in and kept watch the Northwest of China,he climbed the hill for thirty years in the construction of folklore studies and related disciplines.He pioneered a discipline system of folklore studies,anthropology(ethnology),and sociology intersect,learn from each other,and integrate with each other.Hao Sumin insists on seeking knowledge from reality and understands that reality is a whole,and disciplines are a fragmented system for people to understand reality,solving practical problems requires the comprehensive use of knowledge from multiple disciplines.So he attached great importance to field research,centered around problems,and cooperated with various disciplines to learn from each other and innovate through cross disciplinary integration in pursuing study and educating students.Interdiscipline is the essence of the construction of new liberal arts,reviewing and studying the concept and practice of Hao Sumin's disciplinary construction from a theoretical perspective has important enlightening significance for the disciplinary construction and talent cultivation of higher education institutions in the new era.
作者 马忠才 MA Zhongcai
出处 《西北民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期39-43,共5页 Journal of Northwestern Ethnic Studies
基金 2022年度国家社会科学基金重大项目“铸牢中华民族共同体意识的理论逻辑和实践路径研究”(编号:22&ZD212)的阶段性成果。
关键词 郝苏民 学科交叉 新文科建设 民俗学 Hao Sumin Interdiscipline New Liberal Arts Construction Folklore
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