

From Song Wenjian to Ming Wenhai:The Establishment and Development of the“Orthodox Prose”View of Eastern Zhejiang School
摘要 《宋文鉴》与《明文海》是中国文学史上两部重要的著作,集中体现了浙东学派“文章正宗”观的形成与新变。《宋文鉴》作为一部断代诗文总集,编选经过吕祖谦“由经入史,由史入文”的学术转化,构建出以宋六家为主体的文统谱系,以及“宋文正宗”的传道与文章范式。黄宗羲《明文海》取法《宋文鉴》,倡“明文正宗”说,将文统与学统相系连,以宋濂、王袆为明文开山,选文本于经史,主于经世之文,体现出追求内圣外王之道的倾向。黄宗羲远承南宋浙学,近接阳明、蕺山一脉,注重情至之文,所提倡的浙东文道思想更趋于圆融。浙东文献之学奠立了浙学的学统和文统。从吕祖谦到黄宗羲,浙东学派通过总集编纂,建构了崇经尚史、重于世用的学统和文统。《宋文鉴》与《明文海》也彰显了浙东学派文以致治经世的学术思想。 Song Wenjian and Ming Wenhai are two important academic works in the history of Chinese literature,which embody the establishment and development of the“Orthodox Prose”view of the eastern Zhejiang School.As a collection of poems and articles of the Song Dynasty,the compilation of Song Wenjian reflects Lyu Zuqian’s academic transformation from attaching importance to the study of classics to the study of history and literature,and constructs the genealogy of literary inheritance with six writers in the Song Dynasty as the main body,as well as the preaching and article paradigm of“Orthodox Prose of the Song Dynasty”.Drawing on the practice of Song Wenjian,Ming Wenhai edited by Huang Zongxi,put forward the concept of orthodox prose of the Ming Dynasty,connected the academic tradition with the literary tradition,and believed that Song Lian and Wang Hui were the founders of orthodox prose in the Ming Dynasty.The selection of articles in Ming Wenhai reflects the principle of attaching importance to classics and history,attaching importance to articles related to real politics,and showing the tendency of reflecting both moral ability and pursuing political practice.Huang Zongxi inherited the academic tradition of Zhejiang at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty and that of Wang Shouren and Liu Zongzhou respectively,and advocated the articles with strong feelings,which made the integration of literature and morality in eastern Zhejiang more harmonious.The scholarship on eastern Zhejiang literature laid the foundation of Zhejiang’s academic and literary tradition.From Lyu Zuqian to Huang Zongxi,the Zhejiang School constructed the literary and academic tradition of attaching importance to classics,history and realpolitik through the compilation of poems and articles.The compilation of Song Wenjian and Ming Wenhai reflects the academic thoughts of eastern Zhejiang scholars to promote politics through articles.
作者 李国跃 李圣华 LI Guoyue;LI Shenghua(College of Humanities,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua,Zhejiang 321004;College of Lu Xun Humanities,Shaoxing University,Shaoxing,Zhejiang 312000)
出处 《绍兴文理学院学报》 2024年第9期1-10,共10页 Journal of Shaoxing University
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“《明文海》《明文案》《明文授读》及张宗祥《增订明文海》整理与研究”(14ZDB074)。
关键词 《宋文鉴》 《明文海》 吕祖谦 黄宗羲 文章正宗 Song Wenjian Ming Wenhai Lyu Zuqian Huang Zongxi orthodox prose
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