Between 1500 and 1800,Britain underwent significant socioeconomic change,along with changes in law and justice. The rise of capitalismand urbanization changed the economicand social structure, with the rise of the middleclass and the emergence of the proletariatleading to new social stratification and growingeconomic inequality. The gradual declineof royal absolutism and the rise of parliamentarismand party ideology emphasizedthat government should be based on a socialcontract and popular consent. There has beena rise in concern for individual rights, includingthe right to private property, the right totrial by jury and religious tolerance, but thesetend to be limited to specific groups, such aspropertied men. There has been a clear trendtowards centralization and greater formalizationand professionalization of the legal andjudicial systems, however, these changes havenot been universal and the rights of women, thepoor and special groups have been limited orsuppressed, while it has also increased socialinequality and excluded the majority from participatingin politics and law-making.
International Social Science Journal(Chinese Edition)