

Design and test of a carnation cuttage robot
摘要 针对康乃馨自动化标准扦插作业需求,解决现有人工扦插模式劳动强度大的问题,该研究设计了一种抓取-扦插一体化作业的扦插机器人系统。以康乃馨生根用插穗为对象,根据插穗物料特性参数和高产栽培农艺要求,提出辅助栽植式末端执行器作业方式和抓插协同运动规划模型,基于YOLOv5s深度学习网络构建多目标插穗检测模型,建立扦插机器人运动学模型,提出基于MD-H(modified denavit-hartenberg)规则的逆运动学建模方法和时间最优轨迹规划算法。仿真结果表明,改进后的逆解算法和轨迹规划算法的运行时间与常规算法相比分别降低了38.3%和72.5%。搭建扦插机器人试验台,进行定位误差及整机性能试验。试验结果表明,抓取作业时X、Y方向的平均定位误差分别为2.33和2.38 mm;扦插作业时X、Y、Z方向的平均定位误差分别为2.21、2.25和2.05 mm;机器人单株平均作业总时间为14.787 s,其中识别抓取平均工作周期为6.803 s,占作业总时间的46.01%,扦插作业的平均工作时间为5.104 s,占作业总时间的34.52%;插深合格率为88%,扦插直立度为92%,漏插率和根部损伤率分别为5%和2%,基本满足自动化标准扦插作业要求。研究结果可为温室标准化扦插设备的研发与应用提供参考。 In the process of high-yield cultivation of greenhouse cut flower,high labour consuming and lacking of operational standardization stand out as significant issues.As an important agronomic technique for seedlings rooting,cuttage is a key link in the planting process and an important measure to increase agricultural income,accounting for 70%of the total labor cost.A carnation cuttage robot system was designed to integrate with the grasping-cuttage multifunction for the carnations'automatic cuttage.Taking carnation cuttings as the research object,according to the agronomic requirements under high-yield cultivation models and the materials characteristics of carnation cuttings,an auxiliary cuttage end-effector operation mode and a graspingcuttage coordinated motion planning model are proposed.It realized high-efficient cuttage operation by the combination of cuttings gripping and auxiliary cuttage.A multi-objective identification and localization model was constructed based on the YOLOv5s deep learning network and the hand-eye coordinate system mapping relationship to meet the needs of target detection.Additionally,a kinematic model was built for the cuttage robot,and MD-H(modified denavit-hartenberg)rule based inverse kinematics modeling method and time optimal trajectory planning algorithm are proposed.A multi-objective cuttage points traversal simulation method was proposed to verify that the inverse kinematics modeling method based on MD-H rule can effectively reduce the joint mutation rate and solution time of inverse kinematics.In the framework of Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS-melodic,Moveit-gazebo is used to carry out the joint simulation of time optimal trajectory planning,and the validity and efficiency of time optimal trajectory planning algorithm are verified.Finally,the key technologies of the cuttage robot were integrated to develop the standardized and automated cuttage workflow.We constructed a comprehensive test bench for the cuttage robot to evaluate the localization error and machine performance.The localization average error in X and Y directions during the grasping operation were 2.33 and 2.38 mm,the cuttage operation had an average localization error in X,Y and Z directions were 2.21,2.25 and 2.05 mm,respectively.On average,it took 14.787 s in total to operation per plant.The time of recognizing and grasping,cuttage were 6.803 and 5.104 s,accounting for 46.01%and 34.52%of the total working time respectively.During the test of the performance of cuttage robot,the average qualified rate of cuttage depth and the vertical degree of cuttage were 88%and 92%respectively.The average rate of missing cuttage and root damage were 5%and 2%respectively.The cuttage robot met the basic requirements of standardized cuttage operations.Thus,the study fills gaps in the literature on mechanized cuttage of carnation in China and provides a theoretical basis for standardized seedlings cuttage.The main factors limiting the cuttage efficiency of the robot include:1)The greater the difference in the shape of the cuttings on the conveyor belt,the longer the detection operation time will be,thus restricting the efficiency of the grasping operation;2)In order to ensure the safety and accuracy of the robot,it needs to complete two complex actions of grasping and cuttage,so it takes more time to complete the calculation,which affects the overall efficiency of cuttage.The irregular shape of carnation cuttings,the unstable posture and the occlusion of stems and leaves are the main reasons that affected the success rate of visual detection and led to missing cuttage.Future research should be carried out on the attitude estimation algorithm for disordered cuttings to achieve the disordered grasping of multi-objective and multi-pose cuttings.The researches on other crops are needed to further improve the performance and applicability of the robot.Therefore,it can provide more comprehensive theoretical support for the high-efficient and standardized operation of cuttage robot.
作者 苏微 阙煜 赖庆辉 杨湛威 闫闯 周生武 SU Wei;QUE Yu;LAI Qinghui;YANG Zhanwei;YAN Chuang;ZHOU Shengwu(Facully of Modern Agricultural Engineering,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650500,China;School of Energy and Environmental Science,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650500,China)
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第18期1-12,共12页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(52165031)。
关键词 机器人 扦插 康乃馨 YOLOv5s 改进粒子群算法 轨迹规划 识别定位 robot cuttage carnation YOLOv5s improved particle swarm algorithm trajectory planning recognition and location
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