

Dynamic signal control strategy for freeway work zones considering queue length
摘要 针对高速公路施工区车辆汇合引发的交通冲突,提出考虑排队长度的高速公路施工区动态信号控制策略来降低冲突频率,提升交通效率与安全.利用元胞自动机仿真模型对比动态信号控制策略与早汇合、晚汇合以及固定信号控制等策略在不同交通条件下的功效,通过分析交通量、交通延误、排队车辆数和冒进换道发生频次等交通指标后发现:晚汇合策略下冒进换道频次超出普通策略15.8%,实际应用中存在较高冲突风险;早汇合策略与普通策略的指标变化特征相似,但该策略降低交通延误方面功效显著,较普通策略低7.6%;在信号控制策略下路段的交通延误降低了10%,冒进换道减少了20%;相较于固定信号配时,动态信号控制策略可实现对施工区上游车辆排队长度的控制,并能使不同车道上的车辆排队更加均衡,并且在低交通密度下动态信号控制策略具有更良好的适用性.研究结论可为高速公路施工区路段的换道汇合管理提供借鉴. Aiming to mitigate traffic conflicts arising from lane merging in freeway work zones,this study proposes a dynamic signal control strategy considering queue length to enhance traffic efficiency and safety.Through Cellular Automata simulation models,this study compares the effectiveness of dynamic signal control strategy against the early-merging strategy,late-merging strategy,and fixed-signal control strategy under varied traffic conditions.Analysis of traffic metrics is conducted,such as flow rate,travel delay,queue length,and incidence of aggressive lane changes.The results show that under the late-merging strategy,the frequency of aggressive lane changes exceeds that of the standard strategy by 15.8%,posing elevated safety risks in practical scenarios.The early-merging strategy exhibits similar characteristics to the standard approach but demonstrates a notable 7.6% reduction in travel delay.Implementation of the signal control strategy reduces traffic delays by 10% and minimizes aggressive lane changes by 20%.Compared to fixed-signal control,the dynamic signal control strategy effectively manages upstream queue lengths in work zones,ensuring a more equitable distribution of vehicles across different lanes.Moreover,the proposed strategy demonstrates superior suitability in scenarios with lower traffic density.This study's conclusions provide valuable insights into lane merging management for freeway work zones.
作者 段克 马社强 闫学东 薛晴婉 DUAN Ke;MA Sheqiang;YAN Xuedong;XUE Qingwan(School of Traffic Management,People’s Public Security University of China,Beijing 100038,China;MOT Key Laboratory of Transport Industry of Big Data Application Technologies for Comprehensive Transport,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China;School of Electrical and Control Engineering,North China University of Tech-nology,Beijing 100144,China)
出处 《北京交通大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期131-140,共10页 JOURNAL OF BEIJING JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY
基金 国家重点研发计划(2023YFB4302703) 中国人民公安大学基本科研业务费(2023JKF02ZK06) 北京市教委科技项目(KM202310009009)。
关键词 交通工程 动态信号控制策略 元胞自动机仿真 施工区 traffic engineering dynamic signal control strategy cellular automata simulation work zone
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