目的:分析2016~2020年毕节市国家级死因监测地区慢性非传染性疾病死亡特征,为制定该地区慢性非传染性疾病预防控制措施提供科学依据。方法:采用粗死亡率、标准化死亡率、潜在减寿年数(potential years of life lost, PYLL)、平均减寿年数(average years of life lost, AYLL)等指标对2016~2020年毕节市国家级死因监测地区慢性非传染性疾病死亡资料进行分析。结果:2016~2020年毕节市居民慢性非传染性疾病粗死亡率为436.7/10万,年龄标化死亡率为493.16/10万,呈逐年上升趋势,男性死亡率显著高于女性;慢性非传染性疾病死亡率随着年龄的增长呈上升趋势,从65~岁年龄组开始明显升高;循环系统疾疾病占比最高(50.17%),死亡率为219.12/10万,其次是肿瘤和呼吸系统疾病;慢性非传染性疾病造成的寿命损失年PYLL为356073人年,AYLL为5.78人年,PYLL率为25.24‰。结论:2016~2020年毕节市居民慢性非传染性疾病死亡率呈上升趋势,已成为我市居民的主要死因,严重影响居民的健康和生命,应作为今后疾病防控工作的重点。
Objective:To analyze the death characteristics of chronic non-communicable diseases(CNCDs)in the national cause of death surveillance areas in Bijie City from 2016 to 2020,providing a scientific basis for the formulation of prevention and control measures for CNCDs in this region.Methods:The crude mortality rate,standardized mortality rate,potential years of life lost(PYLL),and average years of life lost(AYLL)were used to analyze the death data of CNCDs in the national cause of death surveillance areas in Bijie City from 2016 to 2020.Results:The crude mortality rate of CNCDs among residents in Bijie City from 2016 to 2020 was 436.7/100,000,and the age-standardized mortality rate was 493.16/100,000,showing an increasing trend year by year,with male mortality significantly higher than female;the mortality rate of CNCDs increased with age,with a significant increase starting from the 65-year-old age group;circulatory diseases accounted for the highest proportion(50.17%),with a mortality rate of 219.12/100,000,followed by tumors and respiratory diseases;the PYLL caused by CNCDs was 356,073 person-years,AYLL was 5.78 person-years,and the PYLL rate was 25.24‰.Conclusion:The mortality rate of CNCDs among residents in Bijie City from 2016 to 2020 showed an increasing trend,becoming the main cause of death among our city's residents and seriously affecting their health and lives.It should be the focus of future disease prevention and control work.
LONG Li-rong;HE Wan-jing;XIE Lang(Guizhou Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Guiyang,550004,Guizhou;Bijie Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Bijie,551700,Guizhou;Bijie Hospital of Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital,Bijie,551700,Guizhou)
Journal of Qiannan Medical College for Nationalities
chronic non-communicable diseases
mortality rate
potential years of life lost(PYLL)