

The Problem of the“Third”in Kant’s Moral Philosophy
摘要 康德在《道德形而上学奠基》中将道德法则界定为先天综合命题,并在该书第三章中指出这类命题要通过某种“第三者”而可能。学界在关于这里的“第三者”是什么的问题上莫衷一是。凭借康德关于道德法则的“第三者”所提出的几个理论标准,结合对《奠基》第三章的理论任务的分析,并联系于《纯粹理性批判》对于先天综合判断第三者问题的讨论,康德道德哲学中的第三者可以被确定为“自律”,并进一步解释为《实践理性批判》中的“模型”。“第三者”问题表明康德对道德如何在感性与知性交杂的二重化现象世界中实现的关切,对该问题的澄清将有助于我们更好理解《奠基》第三章乃至康德的整个道德哲学。 In Grundlegung der Metaphysik der Sitten,Kant determines the moral law as a synthetic proposition a priori and relates its possibility to a so-called“Third”in the third chapter of Grundlegung.There is,however,little agreement among scholars as to what such a“Third”actually is.According to the descriptions proposed by Kant about such a“Third”,based on the analysis of the theoretical task set for the third chapter of Grundlegung,and related to the conception of the Third in Critique of Pure Reason as well,the“Third”of Kant’s moral philosophy can be determined to be the autonomy,which then further explained as the“type”of Critique of Practical Reason.The problem of the“Third”,therefore,reveals Kant’s concern with how morality is realized in the phenomenal world where sensibility and understanding are correlated to each other,whose clarification help us to better understand the third chapter of the Grundlegung and even to better understand the entire moral philosophy in Kant.
作者 张任之 Zhang Renzhi
出处 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期143-156,共14页 Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“《马克斯·舍勒全集》翻译与研究”(17ZDA033)。
关键词 康德 道德法则 第三者 自律 模型 Kant moral law the Third autonomy type
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  • 1[德]康德.道德形而上学的奠基[M].李秋零,编译.康德著作全集:第4卷[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005.
  • 2Henry Allison,Kant's Theory of Freedom,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1990,p.215.
  • 3Dieter Schnnecker,“How is a Categorical ImperativePossible?Kant’s Deduction of the Categorical Imperative”,inGroundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals,edited by ChristophHorn and Dieter Schnnecker,de Gruyter,2006,p.318.
  • 4Jens Timmermann,Kant’s Groundwork of the Meta-physics of Morals,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2007,p.142,footnote 46.
  • 5Dieter Henrich,“The Deduction of the Moral Law:TheReason for the Obscurity of the Final Section of Kant’s Groundw-ork of the Metaphysics of Morals”,in Kant’s Groundwork of theMetaphysics of Morals,edited by Paul Guyer,Rowman and Lit-tlefield Publishers,1998,p.318.
  • 6Henry Allison,Kant’s Theory of Freedom,p.220.
  • 7Paul Guyer,“Problems with freedom:Kant’s argument in Groundwork Ⅲ and its subsequent emendations”,in Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals,A Critical Guide,edited by Jens Timmermann,Cambridge University Press,2009,pp.182-187.
  • 8《奠基》的第一章,“这个概念包含着一个善良意志的概念”(李秋零译本,第403页).
  • 9《奠基》,第428页.
  • 10[德]康德 邓晓芒译.纯粹理性批判[M].北京:人民出版社,2004.16.








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