

Analysis of Questionnaire Survey Results of 518 College Students with Induced Abortion of Unwanted Pregnancy
摘要 目的:对518例非意愿妊娠人工流产在校大学生进行问卷调查,分析避孕失败原因,并提供针对性的健康教育建议。方法:选取2020年1月—2022年12月海淀区妇幼保健院计划生育门诊收治的518例因意外妊娠行人工流产术的在校大学生为研究对象,向其发放问卷,收集并分析调查结果。结果:518例大学生中,有329例(63.51%)无人工流产史,有131例(25.29%)接受过1次人工流产。518例大学生中,47例(9.07%)未采取避孕措施,采取避孕措施的大学生中,阴茎套是首选避孕方法,占44.59%;其次为安全期避孕法,占18.53%。既往人工流产次数≥1次的大学生,未采取避孕措施以及使用安全期避孕法、口服紧急避孕药、体外射精的占比高于既往无人工流产史的大学生,使用阴茎套、口服短效避孕药的占比低于既往无人工流产史的大学生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。518例大学生中,避孕知识的主要获取途径为网络搜索,占42.08%;其次是报纸、杂志、宣传栏,占20.46%。结论:518例非意愿妊娠人工流产在校大学生大部分无人工流产史,阴茎套是其首选避孕方法,避孕知识的主要获取途径为网络搜索,避孕方法采取不当和避孕知识匮乏是在校大学生非意愿妊娠的主要原因。人工流产手术会增加女性生殖道感染和继发不孕等发生风险,相关人员应加强对在校大学生的生殖健康教育,减少非意愿妊娠的发生。 Objective:A questionnaire survey was conducted on 518 cases of unwanted pregnancy induced abortion in college students to analyze the causes of contraceptive failure and provide targeted health education suggestions.Methods:From January 2020 to December 2022,five hundred and eighteen college students who underwent induced abortion due to unplanned pregnancy in the family planning clinic of Haidian District Maternal and Child Health Hospital were selected as the research objects.Questionnaires were distributed to them,and the investigation results were collected and analyzed.Results:Among the 518 college students,329(63.51%)had no history of induced abortion,and 131(25.29%)had received one induced abortion;among the 518 college students,47 cases(9.07%)did not take contraceptive measures.,among the college students who took contraceptive measures,penile sheath was the first choice of contraceptive method,accounting for 44.59%;the second was safe period contraception,accounting for 18.53%;the proportion of college students who had induced abortion≥1 times before,did not take contraceptive measures and used safe period contraception,oral emergency contraception,and extracorporeal ejaculation were higher than those who had no history of induced abortion,the proportion of students who used penile condoms and short-acting oral contraceptives was lower than those who had no history of induced abortion,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05);among 518 college students,the main way to obtain contraceptive knowledge was Internet search,accounting for 42.08%;followed by newspapers,magazines and publicity columns,accounting for 20.46%.Conclusion:Most of the 518 cases of unwanted pregnancy induced abortion in college students had no history of induced abortion,and penis condoms were their first choice of contraception.The main way to obtain contraceptive knowledge was to search the Internet.Improper contraceptive methods and lack of contraceptive knowledge were the main reasons for unwanted pregnancy in college students.Induced abortion will increase the risk of female reproductive tract infection and secondary infertility.Relevant personnel should strengthen reproductive health education for college students to reduce the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy.
作者 杨梅 张俊梅 李丽 Yang Mei;Zhang Junmei;Li Li(West District Community Health Service Center of China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China;Haidian District Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Beijing 100080,China)
出处 《中国社区医师》 2024年第26期145-147,共3页 Chinese Community Doctors
关键词 大学生 人工流产 避孕 非意愿妊娠 College students Induced abortion Contraception Unwanted pregnancy
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