In the 1970s, out of the reflection of the Vietnam War and the Watergate Scandal, US Congress renewed its activities in the foreign affairs, and especially called on the Executive to pay attention to the human rights principles in its foreign policy. After being elected president, Carter responded to the appeal of Congress, and for the first time clearly took human rights as one of the main objectives of the US foreign policy. At the same time, since 1972, President Park Chung-hee adopted a series of coercive policies in ROK, making it one of the main targets of Carter's human rights diplomacy. In the early stage of his term, Carter adopted a “time-limited and quiet” strategy. This exacerbated ROK's domestic conflicts and triggered political turmoil. With the military coup of December 1979 as the turning point, the Carter administration's policy towards ROK shifted to maintaining the stability of ROK. The Carter administration's human rights diplomacy, as seen in the case of ROK, was characterized by two salient features: first, it focused on “democratization and political freedom”,which is preferred by American values;and second, it tended to use the secret consultation with high-level officials of its allies. The self-interest and unbalanced nature of the Carter administration's human rights strategy is the root cause of its failure.
Yan Jin(Department of History,Culture and Tourism,Sichuan Normal University)
Contemporary Korea
U.S.Human Rights Diplomacy
US-ROK Relations
Gwangju Incident