

Reed straw and iron tailings into substrates and its cucumber seedling effects
摘要 【目的】以芦苇秸秆、铁尾矿和蛭石为基质原料,筛选适宜于黄瓜育苗的较优基质配方。【方法】采用4因素3水平的正交试验方案,利用不同体积配比的芦苇秸秆、铁尾矿、蛭石与3种浓度枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)进行混配,测定不同基质的理化性质、水吸力和黄瓜育苗效果,探索基质性能与育苗效果的内在关联并确定最优基质配方。【结果】与芦苇秸秆原料相比,添加铁尾矿复配后,复配基质的pH平均增加0.68个单位,容重平均增大164.64%。黄瓜育苗效果与复配基质的吸水量显著正相关(r=0.668,P<0.05),与复配基质的吸水速率显著正相关(r=0.654,P<0.05),与气水比显著负相关(r=-0.720,P<0.05)。当芦苇秸秆∶铁尾矿∶蛭石的体积配比为6∶2∶3和枯草芽孢杆菌浓度为10 g/L时,基质的持水性能最强,育苗效果的综合评价系数最大,育苗效果最优。【结论】复配育苗基质性能受芦苇秸秆、铁尾矿和蛭石体积配比和菌剂浓度共同控制。筛选出的最优基质配方育苗效果与市售泥炭类商品基质相当,可作为芦苇秸秆与铁尾矿基质化利用的有效途径。 This study explores the impact of different material(including reed straw,iron tailings,and vermiculite)ratios and microbial inoculant additions on the properties of the substrate and the growth of cucumber seedlings,aiming to identify an optimal substrate formula for cucumber seedling cultivation.[Methods]An orthogonal experimental design with four factors at three levels was adopted to mix reed straw,iron tailings,vermiculite,and three concentrations of Bacillus subtilis in different volume ratios.These experiments focused on the intrinsic correlation between substrate performance and seedling cultivation effects,and found an optimal substrate formula according to the physicochemical properties,water suction forces,and cucumber seedling cultivation effects.[Results]Compared with pure reed straw fermentation material,the compounded substrate with iron tailings addition showed an average increase of 0.68 units in pH,and an average increase of 164.64%in bulk density.The cucumber seedling growth performance was significantly positively correlated with the water absorption capacity of the compounded substrate(r=0.668,P<0.05),and also with the water absorption rate of the compounded substrate(r=0.654,P<0.05).However,the cucumber seedling growth performance was significantly negatively correlated with the air-to-water ratio of the compounded substrate(r=-0.720,P<0.05).When the volume ratio of reed straw,iron tailings,and vermiculite was 6∶2∶3,and the concentration of Bacillus subtilis additions was 10 g/L,the substrate exhibited the strongest water retention capacity and best seedling effects with a higher comprehensive evaluation coefficient.[Conclusion]The performances of the compounded substrate were jointly controlled by the volumetric ratio of the three materials(reed straw,iron tailings,and vermiculite)and the concentrations of microbial inoculant.Comparing to commercially peat-based substrates,the optimal substrate formula identified in these experiments showed a similar performance in cucumber seedling growth.Therefore,this study provided a useful pathway for the substrate utilization of reed straw and iron tailings.
作者 韩露 赵兵兵 段晓阳 杨晓婷 王顺利 石生伟 HAN Lu;ZHAO Bingbing;DUAN Xiaoyang;YANG Xiaoting;WANG Shunli*;SHI Shengwei(College of Biological and Resource Environment,Beijing University of Agriculture,Beijing 102206,China)
出处 《北京农学院学报》 2024年第4期6-12,共7页 Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture
基金 北京市平谷区木本泥炭改良土壤和基质化利用关键技术博士农场项目 2024年度社会服务“揭榜挂帅”项目-昌平区流村镇循环农业示范 北京市乡村振兴农业科技项目-高品质、早花果、抗病草莓新品种培育及种苗脱毒繁育体系建设 北京农学院都市农林特色高水平应用型人才培养体系建设项目。
关键词 芦苇秸秆 铁尾矿 育苗效果 最优配方 水吸力 reed straw iron tailings seedling effect optimal substrate formula water suction
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