

Risk Assessment and Influencing Factors Analysis of Heavy Metals in Soil of Non-Surface Coal Mines in Southern Hebei Province
摘要 非露天煤矿开采是获取煤炭资源的重要手段,研究非露天煤矿土壤重金属含量影响因素及生态风险,对矿区生态环境保护和治理至关重要。当前冀南非露天煤矿——峰峰煤矿土壤重金属相关研究多聚焦于对局部区域土壤污染程度的评估以及对影响因素的线性作用分析,难以为整个区域土壤重金属的有效治理提供科学依据。为综合评价整个峰峰煤矿土壤重金属污染程度,并深入分析其主要影响因素及非线性作用机制,本文在峰峰煤矿采集49处表层土壤样品测定7种重金属元素As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn含量;运用单项污染指数法和潜在生态风险评价法评估矿区土壤重金属污染程度和潜在生态风险,并利用地理探测器分析矿区土壤重金属含量空间分布的主要影响因素。结果表明:矿区内土壤7种重金属含量表现出一定的空间异质性,总体呈北高南低的分布格局,样品中仅有Cd元素平均含量超过国家自然背景值。土壤潜在生态风险综合指数为45.70~132.77,处于轻度到中度风险等级之间,其中各重金属单项污染指数呈现Cd(1.818)>Pb(0.744)>Cu(0.715)>Ni(0.714)>Cr(0.701)>Zn(0.684)>As(0.656)。矿山开采、矸石山等人为因素及降水、土壤湿度等自然因素共同影响着峰峰煤矿区土壤重金属含量的空间格局,其中企业分布和交通运输活动是Ni空间分异性的主要影响因素;矿山开采是Cu、Cd、Cr、Pb和Zn的主要影响因素;土壤侵蚀和土壤湿度是As的主要影响因素。 Non-surface coal mining is an important means to obtain coal resources.It is crucial to study the influencing factors and ecological risks of soil heavy metal contents of non-surface coal mines for the protection and management of mine area ecosystems.The current study on soil heavy metals in the Fengfeng coal mine,a nonsurface mine located in southern Hebei Province,primarily focuses on assessing local soil pollution levels and analyzing the linear effects of influencing factors,which makes it difficult to provide a scientific basis for the effective treatment of soil heavy metals in the entire region.To comprehensively evaluate the pollution level of soil heavy metal of the Fengfeng coal mine and deeply analyze the main influencing factors and their nonlinear mechanisms,49 surface soil samples were collected and the contents of seven heavy metals(As,Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,and Zn)were determined.The single pollution index method and potential ecological risk assessment method were employed to evaluate the soil heavy metal pollution level and potential ecological risks of the mine area,and the geographic detector was utilized to analyze the main influencing factors of the spatial distribution of soil heavy metal content.The results indicated that the soil heavy metal contents of seven types in the mine area exhibited certain spatial heterogeneity,with an overall distribution pattern of high in the north and low in the south.Only the average content of Cd in the samples exceeded the national natural background value.The comprehensive index of soil potential ecological risk was between 45.70 and 132.77,ranging from mild to moderate risk levels.The single heavy metal pollution indices were ranked as Cd(1.818)>Pb(0.744)>Cu(0.715)>Ni(0.714)>Cr(0.701)>Zn(0.684)>As(0.656).The spatial pattern of soil heavy metal content in the Fengfeng coal mine was influenced by human factors such as mining activities and gangue hills,as well as natural factors such as precipitation and soil moisture.Among them,enterprise distribution and transportation activities were the main influencing factors of the spatial differentiation of heavy metal Ni;mining activities were the main influencing factor of heavy metals Cu,Cd,Cr,Pb,and Zn;soil erosion and soil moisture were the main influencing factors of heavy metal As.
作者 李斯林 王贺封 刘佳 张安兵 魏凯濠 李斌 LI Silin;WANG Hefeng;LIU Jia;ZHANG Anbing;WEI Kaihao;LI Bin(School of Mining and Geomatics Engineering,Hebei University of Engineering,Handan 056038,China;Key Laboratory of Natural Resources Spatial Information,Handan 056038,China)
出处 《岩矿测试》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期769-782,共14页 Rock and Mineral Analysis
基金 河北省自然科学基金项目(E2020402006) 河北省重大科技成果转化专项项目(22287401Z)。
关键词 土壤重金属 土壤污染 地理探测器 生态风险评价 影响因素 soil heavy metals soil pollution geographic detector ecological risk assessment influence factor
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