

Study on Deformation Response of Solidified Soil Foundation with Overlying Concrete Slab under Load
摘要 文章依托江苏省连云港市徐圩港区深厚吹填土软基处理工程,构建了新型混凝土大板港区面层-固化土堆场地基3D有限元模型,通过改变均布荷载大小、面板尺寸和固化层设计参数对其引起的土体和面板响应变化进行了研究。结果表明:最大地表沉降值与均布荷载值呈现出正比关系;在均布荷载的工况下,面板厚度和边长的增加都会引起最大沉降值增大,而固化层厚度和模量的增大则引起地表沉降值相应的减小。然而,从数值结果来看,相对边长来说,面板厚度的影响并不明显;而固化层参数作为关键影响因素,对地表沉降的控制随着其数值增加,影响量逐渐减小。 The article is based on the deep hydraulic fill soft soil foundation treatment project in Xuwei Port Area,Lianyungang,Jiangsu.It constructs a 3D finite element model of a new type of concrete large slab port area surface layer and solidified soil yard foundation.By varying the uniformly distributed load,panel size,and solidification layer design parameters,the study investigates the changes in soil and panel responses caused by these variations.The findings reveal a direct proportional relationship between the maximum surface settlement and the uniformly distributed load.Under uniformly distributed load conditions,an increase in panel thickness and side length leads to a greater maximum settlement,whereas an increase in solidified layer thickness and modulus results in a corresponding decrease in surface settlement.However,compared to the side length,the effect of panel thickness is less significant.Additionally,as the key influencing factor,the solidification layer parameters gradually diminish their impact on controlling surface subsidence as their values increase.
作者 何烽 李怡玮 孙兴鹏 孙阳 HE Feng;LI Yi-wei;SUN Xing-peng;SUN Yang(Jiangsu Fangyang Industrial Investment Co.,Ltd.,Lianyungang 222047,China;School of Port,Coastal&Oftshore Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China)
出处 《中国市政工程》 2024年第5期84-87,93,163,164,共7页 China Municipal Engineering
基金 江苏省交通运输科技项目(2022Y13)。
关键词 吹填软基 混凝土大板 固化土 地表沉降 hydraulic fill soft foundation concrete slabs solidified soil surface subsidence
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