

Analysis of the Measurement Comparison Results of On-wafer S-parameters
摘要 中国电子科技集团公司第十三研究所作为主导实验室开展了在片S参数计量比对工作,对参比实验室提交的在片S参数测量结果进行了汇总分析,并用E_n值对各参比实验室测量结果进行了评价。通过在片S参数计量比对,确保了量值传递的准确、可靠,特别是对在片S参数测量不确定度的主要来源统一了认识。同时也为业内提供了在片S参数测量一致性的比较平台。 As the leading laboratory,the 13 th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation carried out the measurement comparison of on-wafer S-parameters,summarized and analyzed the measurement results of on-wafer S-parameters submitted by the joined laboratories,and evaluated the measurement results of each laboratory with E n.Through the measurement comparison of the on-wafer S-parameters,the accuracy and reliability of the transmission of the quantities are ensured,especially the main sources of the measurement uncertainty of the on-chip S-parameters are unified.At the same time,it also provides the industry with a comparison platform for the consistency of on-chip S-parameter measurement.
作者 刘晨 高岭 栾鹏 陈婷 黄英龙 李艳奎 金诚 邹喜跃 陆景 陈科元 LIU Chen;GAO Ling;LUAN Peng;CHEN Ting;HUANG Yinglong;LI Yankui;JIN Cheng;ZOU Xiyue;LU Jing;CHEN Keyuan(The 13 th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050051,China;Beijing Institute of Radio Metrology and Measurement,Beijing 100029,China;China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization,Beijing 100176,China;Institute of Microelectronics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China;The 14 th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210013,China;Hunan Shibian Communication Technology Co.,Ltd.,Xiangtan,Hunan 411104,China;Huameibo Technology(Beijing)Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100097,China;Hebei Xiong'an Taixin Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.,Baoding,Hebei 071799,China)
出处 《计量学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期1401-1406,共6页 Acta Metrologica Sinica
关键词 无线电计量 在片S参数 计量比对 矢量网络分析仪 radio metrology wafer S-parameters measurement comparison vector network analyzer
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