

Efficiency evaluation of product oil pipeline under transportation market competition
摘要 【目的】国家石油天然气管网集团有限公司的成立标志着中国油气体制改革迈出关键一步。油气管道独立运营,使得油气管道成为油气物流市场的参与者,与铁路、水路、公路共同参与物流市场份额的竞争,但现有研究缺乏对成品油管道效能评价的关注,影响管道运输竞争力的提升以及管道的长期建设规划。【方法】结合工程实际,综合炼厂端、油库端、通道端的运行业务要求,建立运输市场竞争下成品油管道效能评价方法:以成品油一次物流总运输费用最小化为优化目标,构建成品油资源配置模型,用于求解多运输方式竞争条件下的成品油一次物流方案;在此基础上,利用总运输费用、管输占比2项指标评价管道在常规场景、极端天气场景下对整个成品油物流系统的作用。【结果】将上述评价方法应用于中国某成品油管道,并利用其2023年经营数据进行测算。结果显示:在经济性方面,该管道可使成品油一次物流总运输费用降低0.1%;在运输结构方面,沿线炼厂管输占比最大提高12.48%;此外,在极端天气场景下该管道能够有效缓解其他运输方式运力短缺所导致的供应中断,保障能源供应,部分水路运输能力降低15%后,管输占比由41.66%增至42.07%,其中,该管道月运输量增幅超400%,占总管输量比例由0.19%增至0.98%。【结论】所提出的管道效能评价方法可量化管道在经济效益提高、运输结构优化方面的贡献,为管道的前期规划设计与日常运维管理提供参考。 [Objective]The establishment of China Oil and Gas Pipeline Network Corporation marks a significant milestone in the structural reform of China’s oil and gas industry.Consequently,oil and gas pipelines,now operating independently,have emerged as key players in the oil and gas logistics market,competing with railways,waterways,and highways.However,existing research has fallen short in concentrating on the efficiency evaluation of product oil pipelines.This shortfall has had a detrimental effect on both the enhancement of pipeline transportation competitiveness and the long-term construction planning of pipelines.[Methods]The study led to the development of an efficiency evaluation method for product oil pipelines under transportation market competition.This method was devised based on the engineering practices of pipelines,integrating operational requirements at refineries,oil storage facilities,and transportation channels.A resource allocation model was created for primary logistics schemes of product oils within a multi-transportation competitive environment,through a solving process,aiming to minimize the total transportation costs associated with primary logistics.Subsequently,the functions of pipelines within the entire product oil logistics system were evaluated in typical and extreme weather scenarios utilizing two key metrics:total transportation cost and the share of pipeline transportation.[Results]The above evaluation method was implemented on a product oil pipeline in China,and its operational data in 2023 were used for calculations,yielding the following results.In terms of cost efficiency,the pipeline realized a 0.1%reduction in total transportation costs for primary logistics.Regarding the transportation structure,the share of pipeline transportation for refineries along the route increased by 12.48%.Furthermore,in extreme weather conditions,this pipeline effectively mitigated supply disruptions caused by capacity shortages in other modes of transportation,ensuring a consistent energy supply.Notably,the proportion of pipeline transportation rose from 41.66%to 42.07%,corresponding to a 15%decrease in the transportation capacity of certain waterways.The monthly transportation volume of this pipeline surged by over 400%,elevating its share in the total pipeline transportation volume from 0.19%to 0.98%.[Conclusion]The proposed pipeline efficiency evaluation method effectively quantifies the contribution of pipelines in improving economic benefits and optimizing transportation structure,offering insights for initial planning,design,as well as daily operational and maintenance management of pipelines.
作者 张昊 涂仁福 张旭 杨心怡 苏艺薇 夏玉恒 阎君 邱睿 ZHANG Hao;TU Renfu;ZHANG Xu;YANG Xinyi;SU Yiwei;XIA Yuheng;YAN Jun;QIU Rui(College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering,China University of Petroleum(Beijing)//Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Oil and Gas Distribution Technology//National Engineering Research center for Pipeline Safety;PetroChina Marketing Company,CNPC;PetroChina Planning and Engineering Institute,CNPC//Research center of Oil&Gas Business Chain Optimization,CNPC)
出处 《油气储运》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第10期1180-1188,共9页 Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation
基金 中国石油大学(北京)校基金资助项目“成品油物流多环节协同优化技术研究”,2462023XKBH013。
关键词 成品油管道 一次物流 效能评价 资源配置 市场竞争 product oil pipeline primary logistics efficiency evaluation resource allocation market competition
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