There was a long history of releasing various monocrystalline semiconductor structures from their hosting substrates to form“freestanding”structures,in order to change the substrates and for other special purposes.The release was achieved by breaking the bonds between the film and the substrate,through methods such as forming interfacial gas bubbles(“smart-cut”technology for fabricating semiconductor-on-insulator wafers)or chemical etching(selectively etching epitaxial AlAs underlayer for fabricating GaAs-on-silicon photonic devices).The exfoliation of layered van der Waals materials in recent decades also produced another class of freestanding monocrystalline materials—twodimensional(2D)materials.In addition to changeable substrates,being freestanding also allowed unique methods to manipulate the 2D materials;for example,transferring them on flexible substrates and directly stretching them controls the strain in their lattice,as well as their strain-dependent physical properties.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)under grant no.62274150
University of Science and Technology of China.