

On the Prevention and Resolution of Major Political Security Risks by Public Security Organs in the New Era
摘要 政治安全是国家安全的根本,事关党和国家安危,是一个国家生存与发展的基础。习近平总书记关于防范化解重大风险挑战的战略思考,高瞻远瞩、把握大势,有着深刻的时代背景和深厚的实践基础,为新时代谋篇布局。国家安危公安系于一半。公安机关作为打好政治风险保卫战和阻击战的重要力量,担负着捍卫国家政治安全和社会稳定的神圣职责和使命。为回应时代形势要求,全力应对政治安全领域的各种风险挑战,公安机关应统筹建立政治安全重大风险预警机制,全力防范化解政权、制度安全面临的重大风险,聚力防范化解意识形态安全面临的重大风险,推动公安机关实现防范化解政治安全重大风险能力的优化升级。在坚决维护国家政治安全上聚焦发力,夯实国家安全的政治基础,确保党和国家的长治久安。 Political security is the foundation of national security,which concerns the safety of the Party and the country and is the foundation of a country's survival and development.General Secretary Xi Jinping's strategic thinking on preventing and resolving major risks and challenges is far-sighted and grasps the general trend.It has a profound background of the times and a deep practical foundation,and it has made plans for the new era.The safety of the country largely depends on the public security.Public security organs,as an important force in the battle to defend and block political risks,have the sacred duty and mission of safeguarding the country's political security and social stability.In order to respond to the requirements of the times and to cope with the challenges of various risks in the field of political security,public security organs should establish an early-warning mechanism for major risks to political security,make every effort to prevent and resolve major risks to regime and institutional security,and focus on preventing and resolving major risks to ideological security,so as to promote the optimization and upgrading of the ability of public security organs to prevent and resolve major risks to political security.The public security organs should focus on resolutely safeguarding national political security,consolidating the political foundation of national security,and ensuring the long-term stability of the Party and the country.
作者 李恒 任智行 曾琦峰 LI Heng;REN Zhixing;ZENG Qifeng(Southwest University of Political Science and Law,Chongqing 401120,China)
机构地区 西南政法大学
出处 《山西警察学院学报》 2024年第5期54-60,共7页 Journal of Shanxi Police College
基金 2024年度四川反恐怖主义研究中心重点课题“超大城市反恐怖防控体系构建与实施路径”(FKZD2402) 2024年度四川社会治安与社会管理创新研究中心一般课题“健全完善基层社会安全治理的理论逻辑、目标进路与实践路径”(SCZA24B01)阶段性成果。
关键词 总体国家安观 公安机关 防范化解重大风险 政治安全 风险社会 a holistic approach to national security public security organs prevent and resolve major risks political security risk society
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